
Every once in a while you’ll hear me say how smart my boys are….and then, one of them will say something like, “Well, obviously that goat is a boy.”

And my bubble is burst.

And…to make matters worse, I’m pretty sure the goat to the far right was teasing him…and the goat in the middle was snickering.

“Did you hear what that kid said?  He thinks Gertrude over here is a boy.”


So much for the Topsfield Fair being a learning experience.


3 thoughts on “Einstein.

  1. Thanks for the memories Dave:-)

    I got this one figured out for you as mom raised registered Nubian goats and guess who go to milk them before school and after school YUP me and my brothers…One here has been milked and one with rear is awaiting the hands of either relief or kick the bucket over on you while milking…As long as they had grain in the stanchion – where you put head in to keep them from backing up on you! There is usually no kicking unless a horsefly – greenhead your way lands on them lookout or they run out of grain then they kick for more…So one brother handles the coffee can with grain or cracked corn and you milk like there is no tomorrow…We got a couple of gallons each day until they run a little dry…diet etc plays here also in taste of milk…Goat milk does have its own taste but really good for you and many used for stomach ulcers…I see if I can scan a few pictures in of the goats and farm out west…

    Lot’s of work at birth time and bottle feeding…always seem to have the kids at after midnight to early morning some day births not many! 🙂


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