Cape Ann Milkweed Project Continues ~ Plant Milkweed Seeds to Save the Monarchs

monarch-butterfly-milkweed-good-harbor-beach-c2a9kim-smith-2011Good Harbor Beach Common Milkweed

Last year was the beginning of our first and wonderfully successful Cape Ann Milkweed Project. Joe generously offered to hold the plant sale at Captain Joe and Sons, which is very conveniently located on East Main Street, and we had a fantastic turnout. This year I am thinking about doing things a little differently. Rather than shipping and handling live small plants, I am planning on purchasing milkweed seeds in bulk. My question is, and this is not the official order form, but just to get a sense of participation, does anyone have an interest in planting milkweed from seed in their gardens, meadows, and/or abandoned areas around our community?

I think I can get good quantities of seed of Marsh Milkweed, Common Milkweed, and Prairie Milkweed. All three are very easy to grow from seed and take about 14 days to germinate. I will provide complete information and tips on growing milkweed from seed.

Please answer in the comment section if you are interested in growing milkweed from seed.

Monarch Butterfly Overwintering Graph Journey North

Why is it so important to plant milkweed for the Monarchs? We’ve written much about that here on GMG. At the end of the post, please find a list of posts previously published on GMG about the importance of milkweed. In a nutshell, milkweed is the only caterpillar food plant of the Monarch butterfly. The Monarch Butterfly migration is in serious peril  One way we can all take action to is to plant milkweed to help mitigate the loss of habitat, partly due to global climate change and primarily due to the use of Monsanto’s GMO Roundup Ready corn, soybean, and sorghum seed along with the massive use of their herbicide Roundup.

Cape Ann Milkweed Project


How Exactly is Monsanto’s Roundup Ravaging the Monarch Butterfly Population?

Where Are All the Monarchs?

Monarch Butterfly Marsh Milkweed ©Kim Smith 2011

35 thoughts on “Cape Ann Milkweed Project Continues ~ Plant Milkweed Seeds to Save the Monarchs

      1. Thanks Mary, very well said.

        Mark, the Cape Ann Milkweed Project is not a campaign to raise money but a project to raise awareness about the loss of the Monarch butterflies habitat and the butterflies symbiotic relationship with milkweed. Butterflies are a bell whether species that speaks to the health of our environment and the Monarch migration is in serious peril.


  1. Thanks everyone so much for your super positive responses!!! This week I’ll put together an order form and will post it here on GMG. Joey has already offered the dock again as the go to place for pick up! We’ll plan a Saturday or Sunday morning when I can be available to answer questions and provide info on planting at that time. For friends who place seed orders that live out of town, we can easily mail the seeds.

    Thanks so much again everyone. More info and an order form to follow. Thanks so much to Joey for prodding me in the podcast and questioning whether we were going to resume with the Cape Ann Milkweed Project and thanks too, to Joey for again offering Captain Joes for pick up. Happy Spring!


  2. I will gladly plant some if I know they are native species in our area. I can also bring this to the attention of my middle school students.


  3. Hi Kim,
    Please count me in. Passing this on to friends here. Are there projects like this along
    monarch’s flight path further south?
    Bobbi Kovner


  4. Kim, I belong to a garden club, “the golden spades” affiliated with Homestead Gardens ~ a local garden nursery in Davidsonville, Md. Our next meeting will be April 7. Usual attendance is 20 ~ 30 gardeners. I would be happy to enter your offer into discussion and if there is interest ~ other than myself ~ be the contact point for distribution of the seeds, instructions, and happily donate the cost for postage. Just let me know if this offer works into your plan and I will proceed ~


  5. I’d love to plant some too. Dallas/Fort Worth area of north Texas. We have a half acre, and the back portion of the back yard is an organic birdseed/butterfly/dragonfly garden area.


  6. Yes, please !!!
    I live in Rockport, Tx. & have an open area across our canal.
    Would love to seed as many things as possible !!!
    Please contact me.


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