GloucesterCast With James Eves From Cape Ann Giclee and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/17/14

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GloucesterCast With James Eves From Cape Ann Giclee and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/17/14



Topics Include: St Patrick’s Day, Green Beer, Old Folks Novice Acoustic Jam, Len Burgess,  Downloading Photos, If You Put Photos On the Web…, Favorite Apps, Square, Guitar Toolkit, BossJockApp, Garageband on iPad, The Allure Of The Keurig, Making The Espresso, Biatelllo Espresso Makers Available At Sclafani and Virgilio’s.

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Check Out James’ Cape Ann Giclee Here At This Link-


4 thoughts on “GloucesterCast With James Eves From Cape Ann Giclee and Host Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 3/17/14

  1. Good podcast the setup you have for it has excellent sound and I even heard the train or trolley going by with the horn in background. And another favorite of my of course is Coffee – Remember the standard a cup of JOE? Thanks 🙂 Dave


  2. Great podcast! Came in from the Bossjock App review on Youtube and stayed because all topics spoke to me – sorry, pun unintended. From westcoast of Canada – Vancouver. Apps, photography, music for us curmudgeons who jam, coffee – geez, how much more could you fit in? Think I’ll be a regular listener, even though on the opposite end of the continent and just a tad north of the 49th. Thanks for the entertaining and informative episode.


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