Greetings From Our Fred

P1000153 Fred is doing well and sends his best regards to all. He is working hard at his physical therapy and expects to be back on his feet soon. Fred is finding photo subjects, even in his small room, and will be posting some results on GMG and his Facebook page. His spirits are good and his will to get better is strong. Can’t wait to see him back behind the counter at Bodin Historic Photo.

29 thoughts on “Greetings From Our Fred

  1. Fred, you are indeed looking good! So glad to see you smiling and working on the computer and we will all be happy to see you back on your feet out and about! Sending a big hug your way!


  2. Hey Fred,
    You’re looking a little too comfy in that bed! and quite healthy too.Hope to see you soon, maybe Easter. Keep doing what they tell you, no matter what YOU think!


  3. You look great, Fred. Looking forward to seeing you back in the shop and on the blog very soon. Best wishes.


  4. Thank You Marty for this post! 🙂
    Fred – miss your posts and very happy to hear you are climbing that hill well – (computer WIFI?). A dedication for you Fred:

    “When you are successful — a term that has many definitions; my favorite is by Ralph Waldo Emerson — ask yourself what experiences shaped your childhood and motivated you to succeed? Chances are it was someone who listened to what you had to say and respected your decisions. Being treated like a person worth hearing taught you to hear others, too. It taught you to sift fact from fiction, listening carefully for the truth. It gave you the courage to be just and it made you what you are today: a productive and caring member of your community. If there was ever a time to share what you know, this is it.”

    God Bless and stay strong 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂


  5. Hi Fred. You look wonderful. We are sending best wishes your way. Is there anything we can do for you? Hugs, Cindy and Frank


  6. Hey Fred –
    Sorry to hear you are out of action. Sending you white healing light and lots of love. Get better soon and return to your post behind the counter at your gallery. You are missed on Main Street!


  7. Hi Fred–so sorry to read about what you have been going through, but very glad to see you on the mend! Thinking about you in East Gloucester…Rita


  8. Your pictures of old Gloucester are my favorite part of the many interesting posts on GMG. Hope you are out of the sack and back in the saddle soon. Take care.


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