Mug Up #1 2014

6 thoughts on “Mug Up #1 2014

  1. Thanks for sharing Marty! It was great to see everyone this morning. Sure sign of Spring…the first Mug Up!


  2. Janet delivered the leftover coffee and pastries to the nurses’ desk here at Denmar. They were delighted! Thank you all.


  3. Thanks Melissa for the monkeybread birthday cake my daughter finished the whole thing off by this morning, thanks Donna and Rick for hosting the most awesome GMG MugUp#1, I scratched Rafe’s Chasm off my bucket list by going down that path and finding an awesome point. Now that I look at a map I now see the actual chasm to the east a bit. Looks like a nice basalt dike. I love checking out all the cool dikes we have on Cape Ann.


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