Put me in, Coach! Psyched to be a part of the team!

So, I’m beyond excited, and kind of flattered, that Joey has asked me to be a regular contributor to this amazing little thing he has going on called Good Morning Gloucester.  I have stalked the blog for quite a while now, as my charming husband once pointed out to Joey during a chance encounter (thanks for that, honey).  My stalking my have started because, let’s be honest, Joey is easy on the eyes, but it has grown to something  much more.  (Just seeing if you’re paying attention).  Joey has been kind enough to let me crash the party and contribute here and there, but for the most part, I have admired from afar the wisdom, the wit, and the love that the GMG contributors share for this tremendous community.  I love the diversity, the honesty, and the intelligence of both the contributors and the followers!  That having been said, I also love the absurdity, the randomness, and the widely inappropriateness that often slithers in.

Born and raised on the North Shore, primarily Hamilton, I moved to Gloucester (the hometown of both of my parents) just after college graduation. My husband, two young sons, and I now live in Rockport and I consider myself blessed to be raising the boys in such an amazing community. As is probably true for many of you, my family and my career somewhat define me and I wouldn’t change that for a thing, but I’m also pretty passionate about selfishly maintaining “me time” to pursue some other things that keep me feeling like, well, me.  I’m psyched to have the blog be one of those things!

If you listened to the most recent podcast, you heard Joey introduce me….and also mention a couple of times that I like to eat and drink.  Jerk.  Okay, well, he didn’t say it exactly like that, but still…

So, what better way to further introduce myself than by showing you one of my favorite things to eat….and one of my favorite things to drink.

Schofferhofer:  Super Yummy Grapefruit beer. You're going to have to trust me on this and not rule it out.
Schofferhofer: Super Yummy Grapefruit beer. You’re going to have to trust me on this and not rule it out.
Veggie Panini with Sweet Potato Fries from the Seaport Grille. Come on!  So crazy good.
Veggie Panini with Sweet Potato Fries from the Seaport Grille. Come on! So crazy good.

 Seaport Grille Menu

Here’s the podcast we taped yesterday for the second time after Joey inadvertently forgot to press the record button the first time around (dumbass)-

podcasticon1 (1)

26 thoughts on “Put me in, Coach! Psyched to be a part of the team!

  1. Schofferhoffer is delicious! We had it on tap at my bar last summer and it was a big hit. It’s also really low alcohol, so you can have quite a few and not feel like a moron. For those who wanted a bit more “bang for their buck”, we made up a drink called the Ruberhoffer, which was Schofferhoffer with a muddled lemon and lime and a shot of ruby red grapefruit vodka in it. It was delightful (and a big seller)!!


  2. Welcome aboard! Great headline. It’s a perfect example of how a comma makes all the difference in the world. I would never ask anyone to put me in coach. I want to use my miles to upgrade to first-class when ever possible!


  3. Thanks for your warm welcomes, everyone! I am really excited…and hope to meet some fellow contributors soon. I first had the Schofferhoffer this summer at both the Black Cow and the Madfish. I was so happy to find it at Seabreeze Liquors in Gloucester too. They’ve carried it all year so far! During the summer we’d pour it over ice and sometimes mix in some Smirnoff Ice. Yummy! It has continued to be my favorite all through the cold months too…but I’m not much of a dark beer drinker. I’m glad we could perpetuate Joey’s jokes about how frequently I get to go out for drinks by further discussing my drink preferences.


  4. Welcome aboard you will do just fine – I am rookie to GMG about 6 months born in Sommerville and raised in Mass until got transplanted west. Then got married across the big pond – but like the But the memories and days as little rascals (us) 1957-1968 (lanesville). GMG 🙂 Taught through Navajo friends of this tribe went to schoo and visted – out west -For Navajo Indians, it is customary to bury a child’s placenta within the sacred four corners of the tribe’s reservation as a binder to ancestral land and people. The Navajos also bury objects with it to signify the profession they hope the child will pursue. 🙂


  5. Corrected typing long day sorry -Welcome aboard you will do just fine – I am rookie to GMG about 6 months born in Somerville and raised in Mass until got transplanted west. Then got married across the big pond, – but like all the memories and days as little rascals (us) 1957-1968 (Lanesville). GMG Taught through Navajo friends of this tribe went to school and visited – out west -For Navajo Indians, it is customary to bury a child’s placenta within the sacred four corners of the tribe’s reservation as a binder to ancestral land and people. The Navajos also bury objects with it to signify the profession they hope the child will pursue.

    Dave & Kim 🙂 🙂


    1. Major impact on the swimmer’s when this came out June 1975 – watched it at the drive in summer time NM should have heard the folks screaming – BP 200/90 pules 110. Not any beaches or sharks there 🙂 Do remember in 60’s Buddy Gendro walking in lanes cove low tide with a small dog fish following him around – even think the GDT did a piece on his pet?

      Thanks Paul 🙂 Memory lane fun place to escape!


  6. I’m going to have to get a six-pack of this beer for our company’s next beer swap! Also, the veggie Panini at Seaport is to die for! Good call!


  7. Great info Nicole, I have not tried the veggie panini yet but am going to next time there. I am a Fresca girl so the beer sounds yummy. BTW was Janice Schrafft a relation to your hubby. If she was I grew up in W.Glou with the Dennens and to this day my Mom calls all of us Janice. She was our babysitter for years and spent lots of time with me and my siblings way back. Looking forward to reading more. Great job!


    1. Hi Pauline,
      Janice was my husband’s mother. As I’m sure you know, she sadly passed away in June almost 7 years ago. Growing up near the Dennens must have been a blast! The grapefruit beer in some Fresca might be nice too. Definitely try that sandwich one afternoon! Nice hearing from you!!


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