Harbortown Cultural District Update From Cat Ryan

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Cat Ryan submits-

Harbortown Cultural District will be included in an upcoming AAA publication featuring 10 cultural districts! Also look for some breaking tech news. Our Harbortown cultural district joined forces with the 3 other Cape Ann Cultural Districts (Harbortown, Rocky Neck, Rockport and Essex) to apply for a Massachusetts Cultural Council grant to help us towards some exciting shared marketing. We found out that YES we were awarded a grant, and are looking forward to creating a new mobile APP.

We’re also crossing our fingers this week, waiting to see if an amendment to the state’s supplemental budget happens or not. The MCC is asking for an amendment that will include $500,000 to market the state’s cultural districts through advertising on commuter rail lines, the subway and on busses in the Boston area.


GMG contributor and the ever affable Main Street proprietor Fred Bodin is one of our many talented founding partners. During our August event at the Cape Ann Museum, he multi-tasked. The good photos from the event are his! Visit http://www.gloucesterharbortown.org


Cape Ann Museum Director, Ronda Faloon, outlined the museum’s impressive next steps and guided us on a mini tour. Cape Ann TV –also a founding partner—was filming.  The Fresnel lens is gorgeous! I can’t wait to see it in its new location when the museum re-opens. Look at the scale of this thing (see photo with Bob Whitmarsh, Co-Chair, to get an idea of size—)!



We followed up with a discussion of our district goals led by Bex Borden.



We are so grateful to Cape Ann Museum for hosting and the lovely appetizer spread and beverages. They also set up and readied for our visit and meeting. Harbortown founding partner, Lise Breen, and other members also helped set and clean up for this double billing. What a spot to have it. Check out the large Gordon Goetemann oil on canvas From a High Place Nice!


More party photos






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6 thoughts on “Harbortown Cultural District Update From Cat Ryan

  1. Wel done – well deserved making it better for those who follow!! Very good article and nice web site for the harbortown Cultural District it’s obvious lots of pride and effort went into this. As old friend of mine told me “Each one of us has an everlasting impact on others, no matter how insignificant we choose to believe we are or what kind of handicaps fate seems to burden us with. (Thanks Phil Messina a Warrior in Wisdom and Heart and Spirit (WIWAHAS) I have listened and learned:-)


  2. Thanks to JOEY!! Plus John Heywood effort –many hands… — combined with civic support (city/state), cool partners, local media (GMG right in there), unlimited and ever looping history + contemporary culture


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