I think Al Bezanson is onto Something

GMG cormorant sticker copy

Although I dearly love seagulls, I agree with Al that the cormorant could be a better mascot for GMG.  What do people think?

and P.S. Don’t forget – Grand Finale Last Hurrah Mug Up this Sunday 9:30.

E.J. Lefavour

18 thoughts on “I think Al Bezanson is onto Something

  1. EJ…. I like your concept but as Marty Morgan points out, this is kinda arty looking for a Gloucester inner harbor specimen. So before I place my order for a couple caps (slate blue) I wondered if you might have a native Gloucester fisherman version featuring our native Double Crested Cormorant. I was eyeball to eyeball with a bunch of these yesterday while weaving through the mooring field in Sugar Babe and they were definitely not arty. The locals do take on an arty look during their ‘love season’, and that might be suitable for Rocky Neck visitors. But if you expect the logo to catch on at Rose Marine I would not go arty.


  2. Benjamin Franklin had a lot of very valid reasons why the wild turkey should have been our national bird over the eagle as well. I like the turkey and the cormorant but sometimes you just have to go with your gut.

    Personally I think the Rubber Duck should be in the running but just forget I mentioned that OK?


    1. Yes, homies are definitely the best and most representative of Gloucester, so although Al might prefer cormorants and Paul the Rubber Duck, I think we’re safe in believing that the mighty, scrappy, noisy, squabbling, scavenging, beautiful seagull will remain the GMG mascot.


      1. Did I say I prefer cormorants over gulls? I was just speaking up for the better fisherman and more discriminating diner. If you read the book you will learn that cormorants, unlike gulls, are not adept at speaking. Oh, and then there’s athletic ability. What gull can dive to 475 feet and come up with a sculpin?


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