And now you can Kiss My Ass Goodbye, Part Two!

And now you can Kiss My Ass Goodbye, Part Two!

A few months ago I received an email informing me of my good luck in winning A UK Lottery for 1.5 million British Pounds.

I sent them all my personel information like they requested. Like my; Social security Number, date of Birth, etc….. They keep telling me I should be getting that check in the mail soon.

But I can’t believe my good Fortune. I won another 1 Million British Pounds. Here’s the Email I got:


You are a winner in the ongoing UK-National Lottery Promo, you have been approved to paid the total sum of One million pounds to you in your location. For more information kindly contact your claims director Barrister Peter Jonathan with his information below:

Barrister Peter Jonathan
Name: Barrister Peter Jonathan

Your Claims Information
Full Name:
Contact Address:

Best Regards
Krigholm Ann-Christin (Uk)


7 thoughts on “And now you can Kiss My Ass Goodbye, Part Two!

  1. A million pounds of what? Even a million pounds of horse shit is a worthwhile pile but you have to have a spot picked out to pile it. That’s 500 tons. A freight car holds 16 tons of road apples pretty easily but still that’s almost 32 freight cars. Does it come with a pitch fork? Can the train bridge over the Annisquam handle that? You might need to wait until the MBTA repairs it before you take delivery.


  2. Jeese Rubber Ducky! I was sipping my “suds” as I read your response and you made me spit it out, and I choked. My husband called out, “What’s was so funny,” but I told him you ‘had to be here.’


  3. I think they’ve got your number Paul, and I don’t mean your winning number. Of course we know you would never send them any of your personal information. People do love using horse manure in their gardens. If you get a million pounds of it (assuming you had someplace to store it until spring), you could turn that into a couple million $ in no time. You could sell 5 lb bags of it out of the back of the gallery.


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