Of Course

8 thoughts on “Of Course

  1. Wow, some dip-shit with a microphone can go down to OWS Atlanta and find five less than eloquent speakers to stick his microphone in front of and get some clueless quotes.

    I am shocked.


  2. Good grief, you found a ton more goofy videos of people saying stupid things while at OWS. The people creating these videos were probably at the Martin Luther King speech at the Lincoln Memorial making goofy youtube videos of those dumb people in the audience.

    You’re still not selling me on making fun of the OWS movement. I could post a bunch of videos doing the opposite but I think we would be talking past each other. It’s a shame. Because the OWS movement is actual real people who have lost their job, or mortgage, or their retirement fund and they have to go back to work. It’s you and me except right now we have jobs, right now. That may change if the 1% want a little bit more.


    1. Right on! My friend was arrested at OWS Boston and is an unemployed teacher… Every good change movement starts with a few good people willing to assemble, be visible, and demand to be heard.


  3. I have participated in peaceful protests in the past that were amazing and peaceful and powerful filled with art, conversation, debate, and music. Thousands and thousand moving en mass with a joint idea of what was wrong and what needed to end. We went to the hotel after and would watch the news underreport the number of participants, focus on the 5 anarchists that used it as an excuse to say stupid things and knock over a few newspaper holders, and spend all of a few seconds to espouse the purpose and voices. I have nothing but respect for the people protesting (many of them unemployed by the current economic climate) that are sacrificing their comfort and potential police record to bring attention to these issues and pressure the politicians. We have a close friend that was arrested. This movement is in 50+ states. It is not the refuse of the world gathered to freeload. They are organized and purposeful and diverse. http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-B3UdeOdjoJo/TpfIW8DQSjI/AAAAAAAAAsg/p0sMcO-DRBs/s1600/OWSphoto.jpg


  4. People are fed up and a few are starting to protest in a public manner. They’re fed up with reports of record corporate profits not being reflected in their retirement or investment plans. They’re fed up with rising insurance cost and less coverage. They’re fed up with the Federal Reserve policy’s that are not working and reflecting in dismal interest in their savings. They’re fed up with corporate bailouts while they struggle to pay their bills. They’re fed up with the spiraling cost of fuel and quarterly oil co. profits in the billions. They’re fed up with politicians that don’t seem to represent them once elected. The list of reasons why OWS is catching on world-wide is endless and if it leads to intelligent dialog I for one am all for it. I know, from past experience that protests always seems to attract the nut cases and that the press prefers to cover these clowns, because it’s an easier ‘news bite’ or sometimes the political bias of the news source than trying to inform the public of the real meat and potatoes of the issue. Well…I’m hungry now….more later.


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