The First Good Morning Gloucester DVD Is In The Can In Time For The Holidays!!!!

The DVD menu-


Awaiting The DVD Case Artwork from Beth Swan and I’ll be sending it out for the DVDs to be pressed.

It was a ton of work and there is as much footage as I could fit onto the DVD- 154 minutes of GMG Videos

I’ll be donating 5% of the proceeds from the sale of this DVD to The Saint Peter’s Fiesta to rebuild the Greasy Pole.

21 Chapters in all-

  1. ReplyGloucester at Dawn Featuring Music By Dan King
  2. 2011 Friday Greasy Pole 
  3. 2011 Jr Womens Seine Boat Champs Donna Del Mare
  4. 2011 Saturday Greasy Pole Featuring Footage From Adam Bolonsky & Sam Hartson
  5. Building The 2011 Greasy Pole Shrine
  6. Down The Fish Hold Of The Sanfilippos Captain Domenic
  7. Gloucester Zen 6/3/11 Good Harbor Beach at Dawn
  8. Why I Love Gloucester Interviews
  9. How Your Lobsters Were Harvested- Aboard The Trapper John
  10. Blue Lobster Landed In Gloucester By Lobster Boat The Connemara Bay
  11. Lobster Molting In Real Time At Captain Joe and Sons
  12. Monkey Balls or Sea Squirts -European Invader Ascidiella Aspersa
  13. One Inch Baby Lobsters Filmed and Released
  14. Rare Golden Sea Robin Landed Videotaped and Released
  15. Triple Pincer Claw Lobster
  16. The Back Shore 3/16/10
  17. Salting Herring At Cape Seafoods
  18. Gloucester Zen 6/3/11 Good Harbor Beach at Dawn
  19. Lobstermen Matt and Mark Ring Prepare A Trawl For The ’11 Season
  20. Fontana Family St Joseph Novena 2011
  21. Ferrante Family St Joseph’s Novena 2011

I saw it for the first time on a television yesterday at Cape Ann TV.  The women couldn’t tear themselves away from the set. 

The goal was to make a DVD which you could show people and blow them away with stuff that they have never seen before.  Especially cool are the mutant lobster and marine life videos on the larger screen. 

As a Christmas or Hanukah  present it’s a no-brainer.  Small size, easy wrapping, totally unique, totally Gloucester, easy shipping, perfect price point- $20.

This will be the perfect gift to have a couple wrapped and in the front hall closet for when those people stop buy with a present for you but you didn’t think to get them one- you have a couple Good Morning Gloucester DVDs all wrapped up in the closet and ready to go!

No brainer, right?

They will cost $20 for 1 Buy 5 and get 1 free, buy 10 and get two free.

I’ll put up a paypal link once I have them in my possession.

Huge thanks to Dan King for the background music for the DVD menu and The Joey C’s Gloucester at Dawn Slideshow, Adam Bolonsky and Sam Hartson’s Greasy Pole Footage and Beth Swan for Designing The DVD Artwork.






If you have a relative that has moved away, if you want to show something during Thanksgiving, if you want to try to explain Greasy Pole to friends that have never seen it- this is it.

New Face & Voice @ Kory Curcuru

Peter and Vicky Van Ness write-

Dear Joey,

Please allow me to introduce Kory Curcuru — a glosta boy who’s recently returned home from Australia and Hollywood, where he wrote comedy and produced DVD special features for all the major studios.  Here’s a picture of him at Sardo’s inBurbank.

Before he abandoned us in 2006 he wrote Gloucester’s funniest book, St. Peter’s Fiasco.  You can still get this spoof of the Perfect Storm at Stop & Shop’s dollar table and other fine establishments; and it’s complete with his famous Glostary for those trying to learn how we speak in our fair City.

He’s moved back, bought a house here and has nearly completed his second book about Gloucester.

Vickie and I are lucky enough to have known Kory for over a decade and ecstatic to be working with him now.

Kory is gimmesound’s new talking head.  You can see his 1 minute videos showcasing Gloucester’s thriving music scene every day beginning tomorrow (Friday 10/21) at

Check it out!

Click below for the video with Kory Curcuru


Rubber Duck Quick Tip: Orion Meteor Shower tonight

Rubber Duck: The Orionid Meteor Shower will be slamming into our path tonight. Best viewing is after midnight closer to dawn as the earth faces forward and gets a face full of ice chunks that Halley’s Comet left in our path. Weather maps say it will be clear.

Paul: But weather maps say it is clear over Cape Ann right now and all I see is big grey clouds at sunset.

Rubber Duck: They will clear out of here by midnight.

Paul: But that’s what you said about the Draconid  meteor shower and that was a total bust.

Rubber Duck: Don’t blame me, you’re the one talking to a bath toy.

Tiny Tugs At The Gloucester Maritime Heritage Center Photos From Cliff McCarthy

Hi Joey,

I don’t know what this was all about, stumbled upon it at the GMHC this afternoon.

There was a British film crew there filming from a tow boat.


  Cliff McCarthy

Cliff, they were shooting an episode of the BBC hit show Three Men In A Boat. 

From Susan Parent at Toodeloos on Main Street Gloucester

The Gloucester Kids Halloween Party is free, fun and safe!

Kids Unlimited, Harbor Goods, Island Art & Hobby, Local Colors and Toodleloos have combined forces to put together a safe, fun, FREE Halloween celebration in Downtown Gloucester.  Kids will enjoy trick or treating, games, activities, crafts, music and dancing with Dawn Koller.  There’s even a costume judging contest with prizes for the best costumes, so costumes are encouraged!

This party will be held on the elevated parking lot behind the stores on Hancock Street.


Sunday, October 30, 2011 2 – 4pm


Downtown Gloucester






Boom! That Just Happened!!!! Toodeloos Toy Store Webcam Now Live On

Our Man Tim Blakeley from has been banging out the installs today and we now have Toodeloos Toy Store added to


Toodeloos has the view of I4C2,Gloucester Harbor and The Paint Factory.

As soon as Susan from Toodeloos embeds the Toodeloos webcam feed onto her website we will direct people that click on it on to her webpage where she has the feed embedded.

Robert and Pamela Marcaurelle Represent

Robert and Pamela Marcaurelle from Ipswich representing at the Good Morning Gloucester Gallery.  Robert has been a friend of the blog for two years, and met Joey when he was manning the gate at the Shriner’s Auditorium in Wilmington and Joey was there to photograph the Boston Massacre Derby Girls.  He also works in the seafood business at Castle Hill Lobster Co.

As you can probably tell by the way they are dressed and the fact that the gallery is now closed, I am catching up.  Sorry Robert and Pamela for this taking so long, but better late than never.

E.J. Lefavour

The Rollout Begins on – 7 Seas Whale Watch Is Now Live!

Last night 16 webcams were delivered via Fedex and the rollout has begun!
We have now have 5 up and running and we will contact the businesses who have signed up in the order that they committed to it and roll them out.
Now once they embed the webcam feed on their websites we will drive traffic to their sites.
You can view them all as they go live on


Click here to get an email when new webcams go live

Tim Blakeley from GloucesterBytes has been banging out the installs very quickly and is only charging people $50 for a regular  install if it doesn’t include additional hardware.

If you want your business or community organization to be part of it you can fill out the form-

Lanesville Community Center is hosting its first annual"Halloween Monster Bash" on Saturday, Oct. 29th

The Lanesville Community Center is hosting its first annual"Halloween Monster Bash"  on

Saturday, Oct. 29th from 7:30 to midnight at the LCC.

This is a party for adults only, with cash bar, DJ, food, a 50/50 raffle (proceeds to LCC building fund)

and lots more!  Open to the public.  Admission is free and costumes are highly encouraged!

If you have any questions you can email me at  or feel free to call me at  978-239-3586

Hope the GMG folks can make it!

Thanks!~ Annette Dion

After School Video Club at Cape Ann TV

After School Video Club

at Cape Ann TV
for Cape Ann Middle School
and High School Students

3 p.m. to 5 p.m.
Begins October 4, 2011
at the Cape Ann TV Studio
38 Blackburn Center, Gloucester

Sign up for Cape Ann TV’s exciting after school program.
You will write stories and create television programs
to air on Channel 12!

A $20 fee includes a one-year membership to Cape Ann TV

For more information and to register contact Lisa:
