Rest Easy Paul Frontiero III

As some of you may or may not know by now.  Our Paul Frontiero and his wife Cathy lost their son the night before last in a senseless act of violence in Nashua New Hampshire.

Paul the III just like his Father and Mother touched so many lives in a positive way.  Paul Frontiero the III was scheduled to leave for the Dominican Republic on a medical mission in just two weeks.

He died trying to save the lives as others, selflessly.  It was the way he lived his life, trying to help others.

Paul on his last trip to the Dominican Republic on a medical mission-

paul and dominican kids

Paul Frontiero III joking around with the Nuns down in The Dominican Republic.

paul and nun sharing a beerpaul and the Bone

The Story from the Union Leader

A local emergency medical technician died saving two women being attacked outside their apartment building, his mother said.
Paul Frontiero III, 27, was stabbed to death Sunday night; police are still searching for the man or men involved.
Cathy Frontiero of Gloucester, Mass., said her son heard a commotion outside his residence about 10:30 p.m. and went out to investigate. Police told her that two women were being harassed by a man or two men who kept driving by 13 Spruce St.
“When he went out, the guy from the car had a knife to a girl’s throat,” Cathy Frontiero said. “Paul jumped him to save the girl’s life. He died a hero.”
Police say the car sped away after the attack. Frontiero, a Londonderry High graduate who worked for EasCare Ambulance Service of Dorchester, Mass., was later pronounced dead at Southern New Hampshire Medical Center. Jill Arnold, 29, and Kathryn Libby, 29, both of 13 Spruce St., also were injured in the attack. Arnold suffered minor cuts, and Libby suffered stab wounds not expected to be fatal, according to the New Hampshire Attorney General’s Office.
Cathy Frontiero said her son knew the women, and they all lived in the same apartment building. Police have not revealed much information to her and her husband, Paul Frontiero Jr., she said. “The police said it was a random drive-by incident,” said the victim’s mother.
While the loss of her son, a 2003 Londonderry High graduate, is unbearable, Cathy Frontiero said it is somehow comforting knowing that he potentially saved two young women.
“In his short life, he did a lot of incredible stuff. Everybody loved him,” she said. “He was such a good kid.”
Paul Frontiero III studied at the New Hampshire Technical Institute in Concord and previously coached youth lacrosse in Gloucester, Mass.
In high school, he played lacrosse, baseball and football..
He is one of four sons, according to Cathy Frontiero. On Oct. 20, he was to leave for a medical mission to the Dominican Republic, she said, adding it would have been his second trip there to help the less fortunate.
“He liked living in New Hampshire, and never talked about the crime in Nashua,” she said, explaining as a paramedic in Boston and Dorchester, Mass., he had witnessed a lot of crime.
The EMT was studying to become a paramedic, according to his mother, who said he had a passion for helping others and died doing exactly that. An autopsy was to be performed Monday afternoon.
Crime tape surrounded the house on Spruce Street Monday, as police placed evidence markers on the street and driveway.
A portion of the road was closed while authorities investigated.
A neighbor, who declined to give his name, said he was outside when the commotion began Sunday night. He said it appeared to be a minor dispute, and he was surprised to learn that someone had died.
Investigators from the state Attorney General’s Office have classified the case as a homicide.
“His assailant was in a car with at least one other person and fled the scene of the attack. He remains at large,” a news release from the AG’s office said.
Kenny Demers, who volunteers across the street from the homicide scene at the Grey Nuns Thrift Shop, said the news is sad and disconcerting.
“This seems to be happening more often in Nashua,” Demers said. “When I was a kid, we did simple pranks, but now there is so much crime with knives and guns.”
Demers said he worries about the women volunteers at Grey Nuns, and helps out so there is a male presence around in case of trouble. The neighborhood has become unsafe, he said.
“We hear of these things happening too often around here, and it is upsetting,” Demers aid.
Authorities are asking anyone with information about the attack to call police at 594-3500, or the Crimeline at 589-1665.
Cathy Frontiero hopes that her son’s murderer will be identified and arrested quickly. Many relatives gathered at her home in Gloucester, Mass., on Monday to support one another and mourn their loss.
“I am trying to hold it together. We have a big Italian family, so that helps,” she said.
George Gilpin, CEO of EasCare Ambulance Service, described Frontiero as a selfless and dedicated employee who worked with extreme professionalism and compassion.
“His life was senselessly and prematurely taken away by this tragedy,” Gilpin said. “He truly will be missed by all.”

.Paul Frontiero Jr is loved by his many many friends, you can view the testimonials by his friends here at his facebook page

Paul writes-

In 2006 he walked the greasy pole dressed as a pirate. and some photo’s from the dominican republic mission drinking with the nuns in the dominican and with his dog bone. He was supposed to go on a medical mission with the Gloucester Holy Family Parish to the Dominican in two weeks. They’re saying a special mass in the dominican today where he was supposed to go.
thanks Paul

paul greasy pole 6

Paul and his friends just before walking the Greasy Pole in 2006

paul greasy pole

I will keep you all updated as to the funeral arrangements as I hear them.

Please keep our Paul Frontiero, his wife Cathy and their family in your prayers.

28 thoughts on “Rest Easy Paul Frontiero III

  1. such a beautiful young man, such a heartbreaking story. recent update to the article: they have arrested a 19 year old for the murder. so senseless. holding that dear family in my thoughts and prayers.

    may there be peace.



  2. I am so sorry for your loss. What an amazing guy and a hero for sure. Terrible, senseless tragedy, just heartbreaking. I will say a prayer for Paul III and the entire Frontiero family.


  3. This is so upsetting and sad. As someone wrote in one of the articles, Paul III spent his time helping others and saving lives, right to the end. He is a genuine hero. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Frontiero family.


  4. This is such a tragedy. Random acts of kindness should never end with a senseless act of violence. My thoughts are with you from afar.


    1. H.A., I totally agree with your statement. What doesn’t make sense to us now will hopefully make sense some day.
      My husband just recently acknowledged the anniversary of the death of one of his best friends. He was a police officer, and one night while off duty he tried to intervene in a domestic violence situation. He was fatally stabbed trying to rescue a woman being abused.


  5. My prayers are with you and your family. Words can not express the deep loss you have experienced. So very tragic and senseless. I am so sorry Paul.


  6. Paul,
    My heart goes out to you and Cathy and your whole family. I know what it is to lose a grandchild in the prime of life – having lost a grandson and granddaughter to a drunk driver 12 years ago. I know that nothing I can say is adequate but, you and your family are in my prayers.


  7. So incredibly sad. He was a hero. I cannot even imagine. Marty says it: “Paul’s loss diminishes us all.” I am so sorry. We are grieving with you tonight Frontiero family.


  8. The Telegraph has a new story this morning about Paul: “Biggest heart you ever seen in your life,” said one friend. “He was one in a million.” Some people squeeze more kindness into a short life than the rest of us could ever hope to. Paul and Cathy, it sounds like your Paul was such a man. I’m so sorry.


  9. I am so sorry for your tragic loss; your son was a wonderful young man who was always watching out for others.
    Rest in peace, Paul Frontiero III.


  10. My Heart breaks for the Frontiero family, I am so saddened by thiis, cannot get it out of my mind.
    He was robbed of his life, in his effort to help others. I hope the person responsible is prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for taking away this wonderful human being’s life. Rest in peace and you will always be remembered…


  11. I worked with Paul and was very saddened to hear about this. He was such a wonderful, helpful, and fun person to go out on transport with, and will be dearly missed.


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