GMG Tech Talk- Where I Buy My Online Music and Why It Isn’t iTunes

I have an iPad, I love it.  I am not an apple hater, they make fantastic hardware.  You pay for the luxury of using apple products dearly.  I happen to think that I can create my blog way faster and efficiently using Windows 7 than a Mac but that isn’t what we’re talking about in this post.

Right now I’m going to tell you why I don’t buy my online music through iTunes any longer.

For a cell phone I have an android HTC EVO.  The thing can do a crazy amount of things way better than an iPhone because android’s operating system allows it to be customized way more than what you can do with an iPhone.  This is good AND bad.

For most people (read non geeky tech folks) I would recommend an iPhone over an android one.  The reason being that because android is SO customizable there are often little quirks that pop up like battery drainage if you are running some rogue app and other things that occasionally drive me nuts but because my android phone lets me do certain things for the blog way more efficiently, that’s why I’ll be sticking with android and the android platform.  Google basically pumps out a stupid number of awesome applications that integrate so well with it and they charge nothing for them but for people that don’t need all those bells and whistles the iPhone works great.

Anyway, here’s my second attempt to get back on track.  Online music purchases.

Amazon has an mp3 store and app for amazon which allows you to buy any music and it stores it in the cloud AND allows you to download it and sync it wirelessly with all of your devices. 

It bothers me that when I pay $1.29 for a song in my iTunes account, I can’t just find it in my iTunes music library and drop it into my android music folder for listening on my cell phone with headsets or through bluetooth.  I have to go in and convert the file over. 

With the Amazon mp3 store you click to buy the song on your desktop or your phone and once and it downloads it to the cloud for listening anywhere, then it syncs it with your desktop computer and cell phone AND here’s the kicker….. wait for it…….. syncs it with my iTunes account.  So you buy it for cheaper and you can instantly listen to it on all your devices using Amazon Cloud Player or you can pay more for it on iTunes, have to manually convert and then add the song to each of your other devices.

On top of that Amazon’s Cloud Player is free and will store 5GB of your music to the cloud instead of having to store it on your cell phone which leaves free space on your device for applications.


Here’s a video explaining it


Here is the music I’ve recently downloaded-


For those of you who are gonna get the Kindle Fire  this is a great way to buy and store your music.  Once you fire up that Kindle Fire your music will sync right to it.  Brilliant, the way it ought to be!


Discover Gloucester Mug Up This Wednesday October 12th



Linn Parisi writes-

Hi Joey,

Is this weather and weekend a gift or what?! Whale watches and schooner sails are all running full trips; accommodations are full; restaurants were packed last night; scores of people at Stage Fort Park, the Boulevard, Ravenswood Park, Halibut Point- encore, encore!

GMG readers interested in local tourism are invited to Discover Gloucester’s 1st Mug Up Meeting of the off-season on Wednesday, October 12, 8:30AM at the Stage Fort Park Visitor Center.

Special guest speaker is Sue Ann Pearson, the new Executive Director of the North of Boston Convention & Visitor Bureau, which is our regional tourism council.
Coffee & goodies will be served, but no Bloody Marys… sorry 🙂

Continued thanks for all you and your team do!


Tutta la Famiglia: Photographs of Caffe Sicilia

From Paul Cary Goldberg:

Dear friends and colleagues,
For the past four years, during countless conversations and hundreds of cups of cappucini, I’ve been taking photographs of the people and the vita here at Caffe Sicilia in Gloucester, Massachusetts, America’s oldest sea port. (The caffe has been integral to this city and her immigrant population for more than 20 years.) The result is a collection of intimate images about my Sicilian/American neighbors, their culture, the city of Gloucester, and the power of photography to reveal the universality of human experience. To paraphrase Charles Olson, "Caffe Sicilia is Polis."
I’m now editing the images in preparation for the publication of a book of the best of these photographs.
In the coming months I’ll be sending periodic emails with photographs and updates from my work at the Caffe. I’ll include information about the design and progress of the book as well as some of the ways you can support this project.
If you treasure the Sicilian heritage and the city of Gloucester, if you care about history and the documentation and preservation of a unique culture, if you cherish photography and the arts, and if you’re enthusiastic about my work, I’m hoping you’ll help me get this book published.
In the meantime you can find me at the Caffe most mornings (and many afternoons). Stop by for cappuccino and a chat. If I’m not there ask Maria, Giuseppe, Domenico or Nina to run the slideshow for you. And be sure to try a sfogliattella, cassatini or pignoli.
A presto,
Paul Cary Goldberg
The book of Caffe Sicilia photographs is a sponsored project of Fractured Atlas, a non-profit arts service organization.
Contributions for the purposes of Caffe Sicilia must be made payable to Fractured Atlas and are tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

Please use this website if you want to make a tax deductible contribution:

Discussing Alice Bliss At the Cape Ann YMCA

Hi, Joey,

Hope you had a gorgeous summer-y weekend.  We were swimming in the ocean! Wow!

Can you possibly help me get the word out about the Cape Ann YMCA Book Club?

We’ll be discussing ALICE BLISS on Wednesday 10.12.11 @ 7 @ the Cape Ann Y.

This is a new venture for the Y  and it’s so great that they chose my book; I’d really like to make it a great event for them.

Hi there –

Quick reminder that our next discussion is tomorrow!

Click here for the Alice Bliss book club discussion guide – it provides some great background on Laura Harrington as a writer too.

Here’s a teaser question from Laura to get your wheels turning:

I’m intrigued by what good writers leave out.  I believe that you actively engage readers by inviting them/ allowing them to enter the story imaginatively.  Alice’s physical appearance is never described directly. There are several hints throughout the book that allow the reader to put together a picture of Alice, but for the most part, the character is built through her thoughts and actions, her mistakes and her yearnings. Do you have a picture of Alice in your mind?  Did this make it easier or more difficult to relate to this character?  (My hope is that every reader has their own Alice.)

Hope you can join us!

Alice Bliss Discussion with Laura Harrington

WEDNESDAY 10/12 @ 7:00PM

Coffee & dessert will be served

Please reply to this email to R.S.V.P. if you plan to attend.


Open Sing at the Annie Every Wednesday Night!

Hi Joey,
We’d like to invite all interested to an open sing at the Annie (Cape Ann Theater, 1 Washington Street, Gloucester) every Wednesday starting at 7 PM and going to 9 or 9:30.  We welcome any type of music, and unplugged instruments are also welcome.  We’ve had, among others, a mix of sea songs, folk music of all kinds, show tunes and oldies lately, and we have several folks who write their own songs joining us.  BYOB, and if you feel so inclined, some snacks to share.
Come on down to sing, play, or just listen.  We ask a donation of $5.00 each to the theater to help defray costs for our use of the space, and to help out this non-profit venue.  For questions, e-mail ( or call  me (978-465-0491).
Ernie Pigeon


Plan Your Day Now! HarvestFest Schedule of Events

Many thanks to Joey for promoting Rockport’s annual HarvestFest tradition. We offer a little something for everyone this coming weekend. And we just KNOW it will be beautiful weather. But even if it’s not, we’re partying in Rockport come rain or…snow. The following is the Schedule of Events for Saturday, October 15th, with live music, great local food, cooking demonstrations, scarecrows, a movie, hayrides, art events, and MORE! Our website with a ton of information can be found HERE.

All Day Events

Information Booth & Hospitality Tentin Dock Square. Enjoy hot coffee and cider while listening to some great live music in the heart of Rockport!Local Fare Fair on T-Wharf.  Featuring food made locally on Cape Ann and in New England, with Cape Ann Brewing Co. offering a taste of some local brews from noon to 5pm.  Check back for an updated list of vendors.

Scarecrow Stroll throughout Downtown. Don’t miss Rockport’s unique & artistic collection of scarecrows from Front Beach to Bearskin Neck to Harvey Park!  (And be sure to vote on your favorite!). Click HERE for more information.

Kids’ Art Zone in Harvey Park.  Climb the hay bales, enjoy pumpkin-painting and more! Suggested donation to support festival programming.

Dock Square HarvestFest Music Tent in Dock Square.

WOCA Fair in Harvey Park.  The What’s On Cape Ann Fair highlights area non-profits, organizations and sponsors.  Enjoy interactive booths as you learn just what resources are available to Cape Ann residents and visitors!. Click here for more information.

NYRE Food Booth at Harvey Park.  Proceeds to benefit New Year’s Rockport Eve, an annual tradition in Rockport.

Scheduled Events

11 am – 1 pm
Make Your Own Instruments with Rockport Music!
Create your own guitar from cigar boxes and other supplies. Sponsored by Rockport Music.

11:30 am
Cooking Demonstration on T Wharf with special guest: the award-winning Laurie Lufkin hosted by food writer Heather AtwoodSponsored by the Taste of the Times.

12 noon to 2:30 pm
Daniel Dye & the Miller Road Band playing in Dock Square.  Indie Americana. Click here and here.

Merrimac Valley Rounders playing on T-Wharf.  Bluegrass.

1 pm
Cooking Demonstration featuring Chef Frank McClelland of Boston’s legendary L’Espalier and his own farm in Essex, Apple Street Farm. Taking place under the tent on T Wharf and hosted by food writer Heather Atwood.

1 pm – 3 pm
Hayride!  Pick-up and drop-off in Harvey Park. Sponsored by Seaview Farm.

2pm to 3 pm
Rockport Legion Band in Harvey Park. Click here or here to watch a video clip.

2 pm – 4 pm
103.3 WODS radio station in Barletta Park. Join the WODS street team where they will be giving away tons of great prizes with their WODS prize wheel!

2 pm
The Vanishing of the Bees: Screening in the Old Firehouse Trust building. Click here for information on this fresh documentary.

3 pm
Seafood Throwdown Sponsored by NAMA and emceed by Heather Atwood of the Taste of the Times. For more information, click here.

4 pm
Food Bloggers’ Forum. Powerhouse food bloggers answer the question “Does Local Matter When it Comes to Food?” Moderated by Heather Atwood, who writes a food blog and a column for the Gloucester Daily Times. The featured bloggers are some of the most creative, innovative thinkers around when it comes to food.

3:00 pm to 5:30 pm
Brad Byrd with full band playing in Dock Square. Indie Rock. Click HERE.

3:30 pm to 4:30 pm
Allen Estes playing under the tent on T-Wharf. Classic Americana. Click HERE.

4:30 pm
The Great Scarecrow Chase!  Children of all ages can join us for a costumed parade throughout downtown, ending up with a very special surprise and treat!  Parade begins in Harvey Park at the Kids Art Zone. Click HERE for more information.

Magnolia Library and Community Center Volunteer Effort Pics From Krista Queeney

Hi Joey,

There have been a lot of volunteers helping out this weekend with the painting of the Magnolia Library and Community Center. Here are a few pics from this morning if you are interested in showing them.

Thanks! ~Krista Queeney

Keith Shatford, Jamie O’Hara and Shaun Seariac

Keith Shatford,Jamie O'Hara and Shaun Seariac

Magnolia Library and Community Center Painting ProjectPainting the library

Shaun Seariac and Keith Shatford

Shaun Seariac and Keith Shatford

Pauline Bresnahan pimps Kate Bresnahan’s Online Shop

Pauline writes-

Hi all,
  Kate has an online shop now with some of her great digital illustrations. These are all prints made from her original illustrations.
Take a look and pass along if you wish.
Thanks so much. Pauline


Click here to check it out