Chickity Check It! Tiny House Blog


I just love the whole idea behind downsizing and living simply.  Going off the grid and chilling out.  You can see how some people who have been stretched to their physical, emotional and monetary limits may want to go all the way radically to this type of lifestyle.

Obviously with a family having a 15×15 house just isn’t going to work for me but check out the Tiny House Blog and see how these folks are exchanging ideas on how they construct tiny vacation homes or go off the grid.

5 thoughts on “Chickity Check It! Tiny House Blog

  1. There are some very interesting “developmental” concepts out, beyond the bridge, that may be of use on this precious island, lest we succumb to the “bedroom/commuter” benign neglect, tourist trap, template we seem bent on. Check out PERMACULTURE DESIGN, for instance. Oh, SAVE THE WORKING WATERFRONT, HOLD THE FORT! DON’T GO FOR THE SHORT MONEY!


    1. Yeah, instead go for the NO MONEY.
      Have you read this-
      From The Gloucester Daily Times

      One fisherman’s plight — and catch shares’ toll

      By Richard Gaines
      Staff Writer

      Around the inside shore of Massachusetts Bay, vestiges of America’s earliest industry, small fishing boat businesses, are disappearing from scenic harbors, Hull to Scituate, Plymouth to Cape Cod, before our eyes.

      In the last year, about one third of the 32 boats in Sector 10 — one of the business cooperatives organized in Gloucester by the Northeast Seafood Coalition — have ceased fishing.

      A year hence, that number will be much higher, says fisherman Stephen Welch, himself included. And eventually, if things don’t change, just about the whole sector will be gone, he says.

      Welch’s story is not unlike Gloucester’s, which lost 21 boats from the groundfishing fleet last year. The fleet now numbers just 75, according to a study by the NOAA science center.


  2. We’re half thinking of a tiny house in Gloucester, as a weekend house! Need the perfect patch of land however….I love them.


  3. Check out the Occupy WallStreet Manifesto & let’s see if we can start our own wish list to get Glosta off the corporate grid. Don’t go for the short money! Save the working waterfront! Hold the Fort!


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