Can Someone Come Up With An Explanation For The Dreck Walking Around At The Topsfield Fair.

Are they giving out half price tickets to broads that wear painted on skinny jeans.

I hope to god there is some kind of explanation for the crazy amount of trashy folk that congregate at the Topsfield Fair.  It’s downright creepy.  I mean this can’t represent a cross section of the North of Boston section of the Boston Globe populace can it?

…and what’s with these jeans on women that are super super tight?  Like the ones where the openings at the bottom of the pant legs might be 2 centimeters in circumference and then they reverse-taper up to about three feet around at mid thigh.

Jeeze, it’s an agricultural fair for cripes sake.  At least throw on some coveralls and a flannel shirt and call it a day.  Are they throwing an early Halloween party with a white-trash theme and a million dollar prize?  That is about the only thing I can think of that would make sense.  When walking around town or even the mall you don’t see people this trashy.  Yuck.

…and why is it always really pasty emaciated super thin white zit faced guys walking around with these broads with the muffintops?

Man o man, it makes it tough to stuff down my disgusting heaping of greasy German fries as it is without having to witness the dreck walking around the fairgrounds.


27 thoughts on “Can Someone Come Up With An Explanation For The Dreck Walking Around At The Topsfield Fair.

  1. Hey Joey- that’s my mom!
    We can sure count on you to tell it like it is….so resfreshing! (even if the photo competes with your recent “no guts, no glory” post )


  2. That is disgusting!!! Not your photo – Just the content – Surprised the camera didn’t object or “blow up” in your hand. Wonder if she realizes how terrible she looks or really cares!! Wouldn”t post too many of these or you might loose some of your faithful followers!!


  3. Oh man! You are speaking my language! I have long been fascinated by the Fair-goer population, being an avid Fair-goer myself, only one who is fully dressed. I took some photos of the sights at the Ohio State Fair this summer and accidentally managed to capture all sorts of grossness without even intending to. I think that there is a reverse dress code at these places that doesn’t represent the general population, thankfully. It’s amazingly consistent. The only other place you ALWAYS see this sort of display is at Wal-mart. And it doesn’t matter what Wal-mart you go to, you’ll see plenty of flesh with stretched out tattoos and massive 8-year-olds in li’l hooker outfits.


      1. I swear it’s true. I mean, I intended to take the photo of the Fried Pickles and “Hand-dipped” (shudder) Corn Dogs sign just to document “Foods you don’t want to eat, ever”, but I didn’t notice the people on either side of the booth until I looked at the photo later. After a while your eyes glaze over and you stop even noticing the flesh hanging out.


    1. So True!! One of so many reasons not to go near “Wal-Mart”!!! Worse is Shoneys Resturant in Melbourne Florida!! Great for a “crash diet” one foot thru the door -you would “gag” and not east for a month!!


  4. Heading in now… Sista Flea called to make sure I read your rant before entering. Awesome…. I’ll be on the lookout! There are sure to be some darn cute baby piggies in there…. But she was not one of them…..


  5. Joey, unfortunately, decorum and dignity are waning quickly in this once proud country. Vulgarity is sadly becoming mainstream, in language, dress and behavior. Try flying these days; you’ll see the same phenomenon. My personal favorite: the poorly dressed, morbidly obese tattooed monster. To these “people” I ask, “Do the country a favor, stay home and hide.” When one looks like that, it’s unlikely you have a decent job anyway (or ever will). The country is quickly becoming a rolling freak show. Sorry, you struck a nerve on this one.


    1. I don’t mind a nice tattoo actually, and who am I to criticize vulgar language. Shit, vulgar language is my middle name. I just refuse to accept that this is a cross section of the folks from where we live.


      1. “I just refuse to accept that this is a cross section of the folks from where we live.”

        It’s a cross section of people from the entire New England area including upstate New York who frequent and follow the fairs across the area. Some follow them across the country and were at the Indiana State Fair just weeks before.

        So it is a very unique slice of bizarre from a much larger populace than just the north shore.


  6. I just want to know if the obnoxious clown in the “Dunk the Clown” is still there. Last time there was a kid who obviously was a prospect for the Red Sox who dunked him so many times I almost felt sorry for him.

    As for the dress at the Topsfield Fair. That is the best part of the fair, people watching. There are some pretty strange characters. That and the cute baby goats.

    My brother used to compete in the giant pumpkin contest but that’s a whole ‘nother story.


    1. Yes, Paul, I agree with you if I read your comment correctly. While I will admit that the outfit chosen by this “human being” is not fitting to her in more ways than one……what is GMG coming to these days. Up until lately, I sooooo enjoyed reading about upcoming events and what is going on in the Cape Ann area. I especially enjoy viewing pictures of Joey’s beautiful “Mrs.” and Maddie and The Bean and the way they are dressed to perfection. In addition, I have always looked upon Joey with respect for all his charity and hard work for others. I am very surprised that this picture was posted on GMG. Since when do we derive satisfaction from viewing another human beings shortcomings, and not living up to our standards. Possibly, this woman has physical and mental problems that she is trying to deal with. How she deals with these problems should not be posted and criticized on GMG.


  7. I dont know who she is, she did not know what she looked like,,.. The back of her head looked nice and a good profile, nothing cheap, seems like a regular late teen ager who has the misfortune of being very heavy but is trying hard to be as you all. And now I must say “you All” should be ashamed of what you are doing to another human being.


    1. Thanks, Anonymous, for your anonymous courage in taking up for the less-clothed amongst us, those fellow humans, but something tells me we don’t need to spare the woman’s delicate feelings. I’m sure she would be thrilled to know that her backside is on GMG. Why else she wear a thong six sizes bigger than her jeans if not to have the rest of us stare at her? And by the way, well done on characterizing her dilemma as “the misfortune of being heavy”. I also suffer from this misfortune but thought it was just because I ate too much.


  8. Did anyone see my mother? She has been working (at my departed grandfather’s popcorn cart), exhibiting (as a garden designer in the Flower Barn), then judging and volunteering (also in the Flower Barn, including this year) for over 70 years now. She is not overweight, is always well dressed and charming, as are others of her generation and ilk (including myself when I go to the Fair), so don’t paint Topsfield and other fairs with such a broad (ugly American) brush. They are an abberation, not the norm (although I haven’t been for a few years, so I could be wrong).


    1. Uhmm you might wanna walk around and then report back. There sure are lots of nice folk there but as a ratio there’s what seems to be a misappropriation of mutants.


  9. Between the BoA/responsibility rant and this (!) my head is spinning! Keep it coming Joey, you’re the voice of the common wo/man.
    I will say I feel sorry for the poor thing in the thong. Somebody needs to give some guidance there…


  10. No doubt about it…she doesn’t own a mirror! Hmmm wonder if they even sell them in Walmart! If they do….they should come with instructions….”what not to wear” !!


  11. Hilarious!!!!!! We are going on Sunday and nothing will spoil the atmosphere of the Topsfielf Fair for me. I see gross people everywhere…I just don’t pay attention to it anymore…

    I did like the ‘misfortune of being heavy’ LOL!!!!! Nothing to do with misfortune; you just eat too much! Unfortunately; the people who take the responsibility and are watching what they’re eating to stay healthy will pay for all those people who don’t….THAT I have a problem with!


  12. If by “nice folk” you mean status quo attractive, and pleasant for you to look at,
    you are not paying enough attention to what is really going on.
    This young woman whom you are berating could be someone who ends up saving the life of a member of your family one day. Please don’t be so arrogant… it is most unbecoming and so difficult to look at.


    1. Berating?

      You know it isn’t about money and it isn’t about being fat because some of these thing are out of our control.

      It’s about looking TRASHY. You don’t need a ton of money to shop at Target (we do) and dress somewhat presentably.


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