Ginormous Snow Man Challenge From Rockport

Hey Joey.

We just heard about a great snow man on School street in Rockport….also heard the snowman’s neighbor created an alligator in snow….perhaps this is happening everywhere and we’re just clueless.

Just did a drive by and the snowman is about 12-14 feet tall -it’s wonderful….amazing….

So…what about a contest in Rockport/Gloucester for the best snowman or snow sculpture? It’s the perfect winter for this – we all need a diversion! Or a snow festival? Perhaps we should take baby steps…with a snowman contest. Maybe a restaurant or two want to get involved and throw in a humble incentive?

Who knows? All I know is anyone who builds a 12  or 14 foot snowman should get some sort of recognition…OK – thinking of a name for this…the 2011 SNOW-DOWN….????

JoAnn S.


Enjoy your blog…

Thomas Philbrook sent in a pic of said Snowman-
