The 1255 Food Posts In The Past Two Years Post That Turned Into A Diatribe About Categories

It has come to my attention when clicking on the Eats category in the category pull down section in the right hand column of the Blog that GMG has 1255 posts in the “Eats” category.  Now some most of you may not know what that means technically speaking but to further explain, most every time we make a post little boxes get checked off which are categories which I set up so that people can go directly to the certain category they may be interested in.  There is a “Gloucester At Dawn Category” which gets a checkmark every time I post one of the Gloucester At Dawn series and then it gets categorized. There is a “Fishermen Profiles” category, “Gloucester Doors”, “Art”,”Working Boats”, “What Up Homie” and a whole bunch of other categories which break things down for people.

I put in extra steps to add tags on each post so that people can do searches on certain subjects also (another way to make the blog easily researchable).  It is extremely time consuming to add in these extra steps but it also makes GMG an unbelievable resource by being able to document and find certain subjects by using keyword tags, in conjunction with dates of certain events and the categories.

Anyway the point of this whole post rambling diatribe was originally to simply point out that over the past couple of years that we’ve given highlight to over 1254 area dishes at local restaurants and chefs.  That’s pretty astonishing really.

Feel free to check out the category pull down in the lower right hand column of the blog which can be found here for all you folks that only get the feed at the end of the night and don’t actually visit the site.

Just go to GMG and scroll down the right hand column til you see this drop down box titled “Select Category”  click the little arrow and the drop down box will reveal all the different categories you can peruse at your leisure.

It looks like this-

2 thoughts on “The 1255 Food Posts In The Past Two Years Post That Turned Into A Diatribe About Categories

  1. The flood of “eats” posts can all be blamed on me. Even if I start my new post about Mrs Bathroom sign or building cairns I always end up mentioning something good to eat. I am posting this afternoon about Shalin Lui Center but I went to The Cupboard too and the onion rings were really good.


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