Bob Viau Cape Ann Artist

A Call To Artists

From Bob Viau;
First and foremost, a big thank you for highlighting Cape Ann Artists.  I am responding to your “Call for Artists”. 
Attached is a photograph and description of a sculpted 3 x6  relief  comprised of bronze, aluminum, copper and brass I created entitled “Philadelphia”.   
There is quite a history behind this piece in that at the time I completed the work it went on display at a corporate office in Boston where a friend of mine worked.  His company was relocating and I was notified to pick up the piece.  When I arrived the next morning I discovered the sculpture was gone and only the brass frame remained mounted on the wall.  This sculpture of Philadelphia was nearly 400 pounds.  It would be no easy task to steal it but someone managed to do just that.  With the help of my friend and the police, the search was on.  I showed photographs of the piece to everyone.  No one had any information.  Completely discouraged, I knew I would probably never see the piece again.  Living in Gloucester and seven years later I get a phone call out of the blue from an old friend who was an electrician in the wharf buildings in Boston.  He says “Bobby, you know that sculpture of yours that was stolen? I have it”.  You can imagine the shock.  He explained he caught some guys moving it into an office building.  He told them it was stolen property and the name Robert Viau was sculpted into the back.  They handed it over and took off.  It turns out they were connected to an advertising agency that was located a few floors up from the Boston office it was originally displayed at.  When they heard the business was relocating, they came down in the night and stole it off the wall.  It is back now and currently for SALE for private or corporate collection.  The piece is listed at $13,500.  I am offering a 15% commission to anyone who can complete full sale of the piece.  All the work on my website is my own at .  Please visit my studio at the 121R at the East Gloucester Marina.
Best, Bob Viau
StudioVO:  Commercial and Fine Art Studio of Gloucester, MA

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