Another Satisfied Customer

A disgruntled reader writes-

“Why do you have to use words like pimps and hos when your beautiful children’s pix are here…when your really lovely wife is on the site from time to time? I don’t understand. Pix of people on the john with trou down etc, etc, etc, mixed in with the BEST photos ever and your family….can’t you decide to be classy…or not….can gloucester ever decide to be classy or not? Doesn’t mean money, just means not being cheap”

Every so often I feel like I need to respond to emails like the one above from a very well intentioned woman whose name I obviously won’t post out of respect to her.

My response-
I’m sorry you feel that way. It’s not to take literally, they are jokes. Perhaps the type of crude humor that I and others sometimes use is not for you. Well actually it’s quite obvious it’s not for you.

But the blogs tag line from day one has been ” my view of life on the dock”

I swear, I cuss, I fart sometimes around my buddies and laugh about it. I also love my girls, appreciate art as well as rock and roll and certain rap songs.

I like the Rosa Rugosa that grows in the worst of conditions along our coastline and brings wonderful sights and smells despite growing in such terrible conditions.

I’m not sure what else to tell you but if you don’t appreciate it, there are other wonderful blogs that don’t get all salty at times like GMG.

Sorry if you don’t like all the parts of the blog but we won’t be changing our honest style and we also wont be taking ourselves too seriously.

Hope you have a wonderful evening-Joey

14 thoughts on “Another Satisfied Customer

    1. At least the nice woman recognized the goood stuff as well. While we occasionally work blue here I’d hardly consider that the bulk of our content.


  1. Keep up the good work Joey. I find the site entertaining and informative and check it multiple times everyday…. even for the toilet humor 🙂


  2. Joey, a sincerely written, from the heart, response by you. It’s why we love you –you are a complex INVIDIDUAL! You are as authentic as Gloucester is. Of course you are correct, there are other sites for those who are offended by what you write. I, myself, am not. Your Rosa Rugosa comment says it all.


  3. Actually the variety of the posts is one of the things I love about this blog. I don’t live in Gloucester, but I love to visit. I think this blog captures the pride, workmanship, and fun that I see when I visit. People live, work and play hard in Gloucester. That is what makes it so special…. Keep it up…ALL of it!


  4. oh the finger shaking moralists out there , scolding and nay saying. I wouldn’t want my kids around that kind.


  5. I was just thinking this morning how scary the world is right now, the economy, oil spills, floods, tornadoes, violence and so many people in need.

    It’s nice to be able to read and be a part of a blog that is 100% there for our community. Just look at the first page today and all the positive posts. It’s a shame that some people only focus on what they perceive as negative.

    Adding a little fun & jokes is what makes it Joey’s view from the dock. It’s what makes people want to read it daily and get involved!


  6. All I can say about that woman is … she is entilted to her opinion just as you are entilted to ( YOUR VIEW OF THE DOCKS ) as well . personally if it was my choice , the thing I would change about your Blog is … Well nothing !! keep on keeping it real Brother .


  7. It is the “real” Glosta you present each day! I miss it dearly
    and appreciate your diversity…. That is what makes the place so grand & unique! Many Thanks for all you do!


  8. Reasonable people can disagree. I’m glad she submitted the 2 cents worth, and we are the richer for it. In my humble opinion (probably worth only 1 cent, if that) I think the eccentricity of this blog is much of its charm. Yeah, a little crude once in a while, but not greatly. I think it brings a level of humanity to Cape Ann that is sorely missing in most web sites. Now, I do worry about Joey posting pics of the kids. Some creep out there might take advantage of the family, somehow. Still, I think they are beautiful kids and I like sharing their adventures. God bless you all, and keep up the good work


  9. Don’t you change a thing, Joey!! GMG is perfect just the way it is. And to the woman who wrote that note to you: the best thing one can do in life is to start looking and noticing what you DO like, and ignoring what you don’t. Lots of love to all!


  10. In my tiny opinion the comment by Anonymous was much worse than anything on the Blog…

    Joey, forever polite( even with his pants down) shouldn’t publish things that people can’t put their names to….

    Hugs, Joey


  11. Joey, keep up the great work. Anyone who thinks that a lot of people don’t use 4 letter words in Glosta is out to lunch…lol… I’d rather see the 4 letter words and some funny pictures ( they are not obscene). That what makes most people laugh, And we all know anything that makes us laugh in theses days can’t be all that bad. I wouldn’t love Glosta if it was snotty.


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