Land of Ktulu submitted to the GMG Flickr Group By halibut2

 I know Paul Morrison likes to stack up rocks.  He uses the term cairns to describe the stacked up balanced rocks.

The pictures here are from halibut2 and were taken on May Day at Halibut Point.  The video is from pro rocker-stacker Bill Dan.

From the wikipedia page for cairns-

A cairn (carn in Irish, carnedd in Welsh, càrn in Scots Gaelic) is a human-made pile of stones, often in conical form. They are usually found in uplands, on moorland, on mountaintops, or near waterways.

If you’re looking for something to do why not head out to Halibut Point, make some cairns, take some pics and submit them here to GMG

There’s also The Rocker : World Wide Phenomenon a blog with some great pictures and videos of Cairns

Land of Ktulu, originally uploaded by halibut2.


3 thoughts on “Land of Ktulu submitted to the GMG Flickr Group By halibut2

  1. Wow, the Bill Dan videos are amazing. And instructive. I never used very very small rocks in between large rocks. It’s like balancing a salt shaker on a table.

    1) Sprinkle some salt on table.
    2) Balance shaker on edge amongst the salt.
    3) lightly blow away salt.

    That way you end up with just a few grains of salt holding the balance the same way he does with the tiny rocks.

    I will be training in Hoop Pole Cove this weekend stacking round rocks with tiny rocks as holds. My crazy cairns are going to get a lot better.


  2. Amazing. I haven’t been out to Halibut Point in a while. When did they build the suspension bridge? Where does it go? Across Folly Cove/


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