Ocean Beauty: Gloucester Sea-Life Viewed from Under Water Video From Eric Swanson

30 minute underwater video of Gloucester sea-life: Dolphin, Stripers, Menhaden, Mackerel, Mako Shark, Basking Shark, Halibut, Summer Flounder, Winter Flounder, Sea Robin, Red Fish, Dog Fish, Skates, Silver Hake, Red Hake, Herring, Pollock, Haddock, Cod, Cunner, Squid, American Eel, Sand Eels, Ocean Sunfish, Silversides, Starfish, Giant Poisonous Jellyfish, Seals, Lobster, Spider Crab, Horseshoe Crab, Sand Dollars, Sea Urchins, Sea Scallops, Quahogs, Mussels, Surf Clams, Whelks, Moon Snails, Sea Anemone, Coral, Sponges, and more.

“The Yankee Lipper” early morning departure

The Yankee Lipper

 loads it’s passengers and leaves  the dock on a cold dark morning


Fish Heads- Pollock

Back when we handled fish this time of year we would be steaking pollock heads til sometimes 10:00PM at night.  Arms ready to fall off from swinging those heavy cleavers.  Vats and vatrs and vats full of pollock heads like these.

Fish Heads, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

Eye On You

This picture makes a great desktop image for the background of your computer screen.  (I’m using it as my background now).  If you click on the picture it will bring you to the flickr page where it is hosted.  Then select “all sizes” option above the picture.  Once the big version appears right click on the picture and then select “Set as desktop background”  Boom! You’ve got a funky pollock eye staring at you.

Eye On You, originally uploaded by captjoe06.