Elynn Kröger Gallery

elynn kroger gallery

I really love living on Rocky Neck where I can see artist friends on a daily basis.  I went to tea at Elynn Kröger’s yesterday.  Elynn is always a joy to visit with, and her gallery and abstract landscape paintings and drawings are truly amazing.  Just the trip up to her space is a delightful adventure.  Her gallery is at the top of the stairs at 15 Rocky Neck Ave., and every step of the way you encounter an interesting and quirky assortment of objects and quotes.  Once inside, her work and space will blow you away.  And then there is her beautiful view of Smiths Cove.  Elynn’s gallery is open year round, but now that nicer weather is upon on, next time you visit Rocky Neck, make sure you take the magical trip up the stairs to Elynn Kröger Gallery.  In the meantime, you can visit her website at http://elynnkroger.com/.  Her phone number is 978-282-3467 if you want to call first to make sure she is open, although her general pre-season hours are 11:00-6:00.

E.J. Lefavour

Abstract Origami

Each folded from a single sheet of paper following a regular geometric method. I am not sure who discovered these first; I discovered them independently back in the 80’s and published diagrams in the Origami Newsletter of the Friends of the Origami Center of America at that time. I also did a math-based science project about the one in the top middle while in high school; I showed that the spirals in the model are all based on the golden ratio.

Fr. Matthew Green


Exressive Painting – Conversation with the Artists

Rocky Neck Cultural Center Event
Expressive Painting 2013: December 31 – January 27, 2013
Notice Change of date and time for Conversation with the Artists,

rescheduled for Saturday, January 26th 1-3pm

Join us and bring your thoughts about art.

expressive painting

Grace on Water, by Laurel Hughes. Oil on canvas, 84″x78″. 2008. Photo credit: Michael Lafferty

Expressive Painting 2013, a group show of Rocky Neck Art Colony members and non-members, curated by Ruth Mordecai. Featuring the work of: Yhanna Coffin, Mary Cole, Susan Erony, Laurel Hughes, Deborah Lloyd Kaufman, Ruth Mordecai, and Tom Nihan.

Christopher Wood’s paintings at Addison Gilbert Hospital

In the course of my ministry as a priest, it’s not uncommon that I go to the hospital to visit the sick and the dying.  Along the wall of the lobby of Addison Gilbert hospital, on the way to the elevator, there is usually a display of art.  I hardly ever stop to look, but I was really struck by Christopher Wood’s current display of abstract watercolor paintings.

To me, it seems somehow odd to go visit a hospital in order to see art, but at the very least, I recommend stopping to see the paintings if you are at the hospital for any reason at all.  Or maybe you can stop in to see the paintings, and pretend you are on your way to visit a sick relative or get some x-rays done…

He describes his work thus, on an explanatory panel next to the paintings:

“My work is organic, bold, gritty, sensual, and completely inspired by my mad scientist tendencies. I paint ferociously; this creates real energy within the piece.  My painting style and its looseness makes watercolor and optimal medium for me.  I paint wet on wet, this allows the colors to mix themselves on the paper, and allows little experiments/accidents to be created within the piece.”

Besides being an artist who has worked in various media, he has a Masters in Conservation Biology.  Check out his website…