Gloucestercast 249 With Will (Noreaster), Heidi Dallin, Paula Ryan O’Brien, Jimmy and Pat Dalpiaz, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 10/29/17


Gloucestercast 249 With Will (Noreaster), Heidi Dallin, Paula Ryan O’Brien, Jimmy and Pat Dalpiaz, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 10/29/17

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Topics Include:

Podcast Game- Share This post on Facebook for a chance to win two free tickets to Cape Ann Community Cinema, The Cinema Listings are always stickied in the GMG Calendar at the top of the blog or you can click here to go directly to the website

02:08 Teabagging
04:34 Paula Ryan O’Brien describes what it’s like to be on the outside looking in
17:13 Thoughts On Turning 50
20:19 Sebastians Pizza For My Birthday Meal
22:45 Cafe Sicilia Sfinguini
24:00 Gloucester Stage Update- Holiday Delights, Cape Ann Symphony Holiday Pops At Manchester-Essex Regional High School Thanksgiving Weekend
27:20 Holiday Delights
28:50 Paula Ryan O’Brien Loves Paulines Gifts
46:05 Free Meal At Lat 43 From the Serenitee Rewards Card
56:56 Who Are These People That Go All In On Halloween and Pumpkin Spice?

How Does It Feel To Turn 50? Great

So much to be thankful for. Starting with my family,  Kate Loves Me, the kids are doing great, mom is so supportive, dad is no longer suffering, Felicia is kicking butt with her cookies, we’re finally settled at the new house, I have a job where I get to deal with the greatest kind of real guys you’d ever want to meet, the blog is rolling with our ever committed team of contributors.  I couldn’t ask for anything more.

50 is great.

Thanks for asking 🙂




Why does this little rabbit look so different from the rabbits we see so often in our gardens, alongside roadsides, and in meadows and dunes? Because it is a New England Cottontail!

Massachusetts has two species of cottontails, the New England Cottontail (Sylvilagus transitionalis) and the Eastern Cottontail (Sylvilagus floridanus). The introduced vegetable-and-flower-eating Eastern Cottontail has flourished, while this beautiful and illusive little creature’s numbers have dwindled to an alarmingly low number.

Prior to 1930, New England Cottontails were present in all 14 counties of Massachusetts and it was the only cottontail species appearing among 59 reports, except for 7 from Nantucket where Eastern Cottontails were introduced as early as the 1880s. Between 1924 and 1941, at least 16,200 Eastern Cottontails were imported from the mid-west and released. Another 4,600 were raised and released at a state propagation facility.

The most critical threat to New England Cottontails is loss of habitat. They can only survive in the ephemeral landscape of newly emerging forests, which provide low ground cover for shelter. Once a forest matures, the low growing plants become too sparse to offer food and shelter. Today the New England Cottontail resides in only about one fifth of its historic range.

The photo above of the New England Cottontail was taken at Gooseberry Island in Westport. He shot across the path on the way to the beach and wish I had a better photo to share, but now that I know to look for them there, I’ll try again.

You can compare the difference in the rabbit species in the two photos. The New England Cottontail’s (above photo) ears are shorter and his fur a bit grayer than the Eastern Cottontail (below). When I caught a glimpse of him I immediately recognized the rabbits we saw daily at my grandparent’s home, built in the dunes on a bluff on Cape Cod, where at that time, there were few homes and lots of cool scrubby habitat for wild creatures.The ubiquitous Eastern Cottontail, Good Harbor Beach

Dwindling New England Cottontail Range Map.

As you can see, New England Cottontails have been completely extirpated from Cape Ann and Essex County.

Learn more about New England Cottontails here.


Spooky Haunted Happenings at the Barton-Anderson home!

Good Harbor Beach families wrapped in blankets watch the sunrise


mid distance horizon line of sunrise fans (starting on left with family of 3 seated and huddled in blankets; couple standing wrapped in blanket; photographer; couple;  family) Good Harbor Beach daybreak audience (30 minutes plus on chilly October morning)