Painted sky from the State Pier


8 thoughts on “Painted sky from the State Pier

  1. Beautiful shot Donna…Mom and myself were talking about memories that way and I recall she was really into art so sharing what we talked about:

    Moms, telephone call after New Year’s, Monday yesterday 2 Jan 17 actually our way. We were talking about all the art in Cape Ann area and I recall my mom’s love of art as a teenager (Tradition that way). During high school mother’s art teacher was Mr. Curtis GHS. She told me she painted a lobster shack in Annisquam, with lobster pots stacked against it. She has the painting in her living room at her house (I will try to get a photo later).

    She told me her picture was entered into a contest and she through Gloucester High School, as result she was offered a scholarship to Massachusetts’s fine arts school. Instead I think she got the (love bug bit her instead and got married in Rockport Methodist Church in 1947). Needless to say Mr. Curtis was not very happy about that them their growing years as a teenager. I’ll quote what my Grandmother; her mother had to say about this, Gloucester Daily Times, BY: All Hands times staff article: (Song, and dance keep woman 103 years young) said. “They had 8 children 4 girls and 4 boys…Them girls were devils – they liked the boys and the boys liked them, chuckling over early challenges of raising daughters. Her sons were a little easier.” Oh, yes mom I have felt this way myself teen years dedication to these thoughts.

    The Students (I’m so Young) 1958

    P.S. I’ll try to get a photo of the picture..
    Dave 🙂 & Kim 🙂


      1. Not computer savvy (Mom) Old school does not care much for them either :-O -But I do sent things to pops and he shows her! Both 85 and things change you have no control over due the best you can everyday both younger brothers keep an close eye on One lives across the street other live out back on property!

        Mom and dad are still being independent as possible I call them all the time to check up on them and get feedback from younger brother being 10,000 miles away my home does have it’s difficulties and pain from within! But I knew that when married! Responsibilities on both fronts (and we all know and have talked about this). Thanks Donna 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂


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