Community Photos 7/8/15

Michelle Tocco submits-

Hey Joey –
Came across this on Lighthouse Beach this morning. At first I thought maybe a Skate, but it has more of a tail, so maybe some sort of Ray. It was easily about 2 feet wide and 3 feet long.
Any idea what it is?



Len Burgess-

July 3rd Gloucester Fireworks

Taken from the Schooner Ardelle in Gloucester harbor.  -Len

Mom Turkey and her babies /Starknaught Heights from Janet Rice

Hi Joey-I am sending these pictures to you again in the hopes you will post it. Everyone I have told about the two Turkey Moms roosting in my East Gloucester yard every night, protecting their babies under their wings has asked to see it. I had never seen this before-she has six babies-three under each wing! It is fascinating to watch them fly up to the treetops and get “organized” around 7:30 PM each evening.The picture of the other Mom Turkey has the babies facing backwards so I could not count them. They started out with 20 or more between them but have lost a  couple each week. I hope people enjoy seeing this as much as I have! Best-Janet (Rice)

Version 2

Sunset Ipswich Bay – photo from Anthony Marks


13 thoughts on “Community Photos 7/8/15

    1. My husband saw one of these while scuba diving a few years ago. First time we had heard of it. Interesting to see it washed up on the beach. Wonder how it died?


  1. Janet, I love your turkey photos. Who knew? We are on Witham Street @ Starknaught and see them all around. I would love to see their babies. Thanks for sharing.


    1. You are welcome “debschrad”-it has been really special to be able to watch these twoTurkey Moms take such good, gentle care of their babies from my deck!


      1. Janet, I’m curious how the babies get up in the tree. They don’t look like they have all their feathers yet, and even adult turkeys aren’t big fliers. I always assumed they nested and remained on the ground (as I have seen other mom and baby turkeys). Very cool shots indeed and fascinating to see.


        1. E.J.-They can actually fly short distances. They go from Branch to branch until they reach their Mom. Every day they have roosted a little higher. Now they are at the very top of the trees. True-so fascinating to watch. So cute too!


  2. That ray is exactly what Mary~Kay stated… Atlantic [Long Tail] Torpedo Ray. Pretty common in the Cape and the Islands. Warm water brings them north to Isle of Shoals, and a bit further.


  3. New England Aquarium response: Ocean savvy readers on Cape Anne as would be expected! That is an Atlantic torpedo ray – which is not a sting ray but rather an electric ray – the only electric in the northwest Atlantic. Can discharge 220 volts, but it is not aggressive with people. Curious divers need to beware that the shock could disorient them in the water. Feeds mostly on bony flatfishes like flounder. Often caught as by-catch by commercial fishermen.


  4. Excellent shots and that is a very special on with the chicks (poult’s) under moms wing what a way to take a nap 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂


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