Cape Ann Tool Company Refurb in Pigeon Cove

Click the photo for a larger Panorama. (The roof is not tilted, that is my iPhone 6+ panorama stitching the photo.)

Cape Ann Tool Company November 10, 2014.
Cape Ann Tool Company November 10, 2014.

So the renovation seems a little weird but now I think I got it. Ream out the inside and put in nice new windows and redo the stucco on the stone end of the Cape Ann Tool Company. I would have thought those would be done last but I think they are aiming to get businesses in there quickly.

I could see a coffee shop, a little market selling fish, bread, and coffee, maybe even some light tackle so a kid could go catch a flounder over on the right. If I was dreaming I couple picture Plum Cove Grind moving into the front and a restaurant moving into the back overlooking Pigeon Cove.

No law against dreaming. An Indian Seafood Restaurant! Anmol II. Be still my heart. If you did that Anmol I promise to bring my family dining at least once a week.

17 thoughts on “Cape Ann Tool Company Refurb in Pigeon Cove

    1. Or a beautiful art studio but I want to be munching on a Shrimp Chaat appetizer then some Haddock Vindaloo (don’t tone down the heat thank you) up on that second floor.

      Crispy Poori, onion kulcha, my daughter will waitress, I’ll mop the floors every night.


  1. Progress but the old skeleton lives and in wind, big metal pieces of the roof clang all night long…and could hurt someone if the dislodged and came flying. Tear down that building!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I noticed when you come down the hill on Green Street the rest of the building is much more see through than even a week ago. They are taking those clanging sheets of metal down. It will be so cool to get rid of the orange spongy crap walls.


      1. Walked by the other day when the guys were working on the stucco. They told me a restaurant was going in on the first level, but they didn’t elaborate.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. What about a tiny marina, so boaters & lobstermen could gas up on the north side of the island?
    Maybe a clock tower with the sound of a drop forge marking every hour.

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Thanks Paul – lot’s of changed goin on that way for sure! Thought I saw duckie up there on the high ground! 🙂 Dave & Kim:-)


  4. Here I am exactly 5 years to the day from my first comment. No news. Stuff falls down ,Metal flies around and sooner or later someone on a nice walk with their dog will get killed.

    Liked by 1 person

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