Public art: Justin Desilva bookmark and seagull question

Hi Joey,

Artist Justin Desilva has completed several more crosswalks: Our Lady of Good Voyage, Lobsters, Howard Blackburn, and St. Peter’s Square.    He’s had several requests for a postcard or some take away about his temporary project. If you see him, ask for a bookmark. Some of the murals are at different stages in their installation process; you will see him going back and forth to different sites. As this project is temporary, Justin will remove his work at the conclusion of his exhibit.

There is a Google map with updated locations and photographs.

Gloucester Counts Down to Kindergarten streamed across the Sawyer crosswalk. Congratulations GPS, Sawyer Free, CAM, Art Haven and YMCA in partnership with the Boston Children’s Museum for planning what looked like a stellar, joyous event.

Question: Does anyone know how to persuade the seagulls to forego their perch atop the light above the crosswalk by City Hall and Sawyer?!

Info Card 03 PRINT

10 thoughts on “Public art: Justin Desilva bookmark and seagull question

  1. He’s going t remove them? I was looking forward to the crosswalks being painted so we can see them in the winter.


  2. If this art was more than some joker putting photos through a stupid Photoshop filter then I might not be so snarky. But since you can’t tell what any of the photos are, it seems like a fucking joke. Makes me mad that people can pull off this sort of shenanigans And likely funded well .
    In the graffiti world this would be called “toy” And would be painted over promptly. I wish there were more graffiti artists in Gloucester who would properly cover up this schlock. Watch out. Step up your game Or get stepped on


  3. You’re talking about art, passionate about your opinion. Thank you for taking a moment to comment at all. Gloucester values art and discussion. It’s a great place.


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