GMG Mug Up Food Competition – Call to all you Great Foodies Out There

mug up and food competition

Now that we have re-established the GMG Mug Up tradition on Saturday mornings at 9:30 on Madfish Wharf (so our fearless leader Joey can be there!), it is time for one of our famous and fun GMG Food Competitions. Over the years, we have had many different types food competitions, and we want to come up with something that the awesome cooks / bakers out there in GMG land will clamor to be a part of. Joey wants it to be a cupcake competition (he is going to be one of the judges with his girls as assistants, along with James Eves and Richard Rosenfeld). Cupcakes are great, but we wanted to let those of you who would like to enter and have the chance of winning a coveted GMG food competition winner ribbon, and go down in annals of GMG history as the best at whatever it is you make really well, tell us what you would like the competition to be.

Please reply by commenting on this post if you are interested in being a contender, and what food you would like the competition to be. Majority will rule. There is no real prep area, so it has to be something you can bring in prepared and ready to go to the judges (with a little extra for Mug Up attendees to try). Don’t include a beverage. If Bob Ryan is game to sponsor another Bloody Mary or other beverage competition made with a Ryan & Wood Distilleries spirit, we’ll do that later in the season.

Madfish Wharf is hopping this summer. Saturday morning 9:30am come for GMG Mug Up and food competition at YUPO Gallery / Khan Studio & the GMG Gallery. Come hang with your favorite GMG peeps, fobs and Rocky Neck artists and neighbors on beautiful Madfish Wharf. Saturday, August 23rd will be our first GMG Food Competition of the season. Let’s get some rockin GMG peep/fob summer fun going while we still can.

E.J. Lefavour

15 thoughts on “GMG Mug Up Food Competition – Call to all you Great Foodies Out There

  1. EJ- very nice loved the hats also the table cloth and of course, all the folks mugging up! Thanks 🙂 Dave & Kim:-)

    Concentrate all your thoughts upon the work at hand. The sun’s rays do not burn until brought to a focus.” -Alexander Graham Bell


  2. I would vote for a seafood chowder competition which would also include both fish and clam chowder. What’s more Gloucester than chowder? I would like to see how Toby Pett’s seafood chowder measures up to Sue’s clam chowder. I would need a week’s notice since the secret ingredient in Sue’s is the harvesting of critters from an undisclosed island off the other cape. And for continued family harmony no way would I judge.

    Cupcakes are tricky. Make it humongous, cream filled with chocolate or a few other killer ingredients, win. Google Paula Poundstone and Hostess Ding Dong. ‘Nuff said.

    I’m still working of the damage incurred upon my svelte figure from that devilled egg competition. And cupcakes are like devilled eggs, you really can’t judge them unless you stuff at least two in your pie hole like a hamster. Judge selection would be critical. 8-9 contestants, you do the math. It had no effect on false leg Ed Collard but anyone seen Adam Bolensky in a kayak since? I think I heard the sound of a champagne cork when he exited his craft even last week.


  3. I like the chowda competition idea, and it is certainly Gloucester. It also may make sense to push the food competition Mug Up off another week, because doing it this Saturday doesn’t give people enough time to get on board with it (or fly in their secret ingredients from far away lands, like Gigi and Stevie were known to do). Joey suggested cupcakes I think more for the girls than anything, but I imagine they both like chowder too.
    I have seen Adam Bolonsky recently, and he is a lean mean swimming machine this year. I ran into him at Niles Beach recently, after he had just finished swimming out to the Dog Bar and back. He could judge chowder or cupcakes and burn them off the same day. We’ll see what other suggestions come in.


    1. Ooooooo! Are you putting yourself up as a contender? That could beat out Paul’s chowder idea, but it all depends on how many other people are willing to throw their hats into the ring to go toe to toe with you on that. Sister Felicia? You up as a contender in lobster mac & cheese competition?


    1. Sorry Linda, we switched it to Saturday so Joey could come. He has to work on Sunday. He’s had to miss so many Mup Ups over the years, or just been able to run in and out again quickly and not stay for the fun, that we want him to be able to enjoy, and for people to enjoy seeing him, as much as we can before season is over.


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