Fr. Green Leaving Holy Family Parish in June, staying in Gloucester

This post is more personal than usual, but it’s big news for me and I wanted to share it with the GMG family.

Almost two years have passed since I came to Cape Ann and began my ministry at Holy Family Parish. It’s been a really great time! This is a wonderful community, and I am very grateful for the warm welcome I have received. Becoming a part of the GoodMorningGloucester team has been a hugely positive part of my experience! Special thanks to Joey for that!

As some of you know, a lot has happened in my life in the past four years. Not all of it has been as good as coming to Cape Ann. A terrible scandal came to light in my religious congregation (the Legionaries of Christ) in 2009, and since 2010 I have been working in parishes, seeking to discover the new path that God has planned for me. I have not really had time to step back and process all that has happened, and it has raised personal issues that I am still trying to work through. I have come to realize that it is not possible for me to deal with these things adequately at the same time as trying to serve the community in active ministry at a parish. I need some time without pastoral duties in order to heal and discern. As a consequence, Cardinal O’Malley has agreed to allow me to take a year off, starting in early June.

I hope that this period of leave will help me to find greater peace and clarity so that I can better carry out God’s will in my life. Another priest will take my place at Holy Family Parish, and I hope he will love and enjoy this community as much as I do. At the end of this year I will either take a new parish assignment or explore other avenues.

At first I was planning to move closer to Boston, because leaving my position at the parish means a change in my role in the community of Cape Ann, and the adjustment could be awkward. However, in the past couple of days I realized that I have such great friends and community here, and there are so many great things going on in this city, that I don’t want to leave. So, I am looking into affordable, possibly shared housing (i.e. sharing a house or apartment – hopefully with room for lots of books and origami) in Gloucester or Rockport from June 2013 to June 2014, and I will be looking for light employment to help me cover my expenses. If I could support myself financially for the year with just photography and/or teaching origami classes, I would, but I don’t think that’s likely…

Anyway, I hope to continue posting to GoodMorningGloucester throughout the year! Just don’t be surprised if you don’t see me showing up as a lead player in Church functions this coming year, even though I will be around town.

Fr. Matthew Green

28 thoughts on “Fr. Green Leaving Holy Family Parish in June, staying in Gloucester

  1. Fr. Matthew — you are an inspiration! You have so many gifts/talents — I admire your courage in being open to the Spirit working in and through you! God will surely lead you in fulfilling your life’s purpose. May there be Blessings on your next steps. I’m glad you are staying with this community – we need you and your wisdom.


  2. Although I am sure this will be a difficult year, I wish you peace and insight and support as your journey continues. I hope the wonderful friends and beautiful surroundings will ease your struggles


    1. For now, still Father Green or Father Matthew. When my “year off” is going on, maybe just Matthew, to help establish the fact that I will not be doing active priestly ministry for a while.


  3. Fr. Green

    We have met several times and I know that the Faith tat you have will guide you through. I wish you the best in your future journey. You truly are a great photographer and its not only your eyes that captures the beauty , but also the eyes of our spiritual faith.

    Circle of Life
    By Peter A. Todd

    Life can be surrounded by happiness and joy
    It all depends on the plan you employ
    Giving of your love is a good start
    As long as it’s from within your soul to start
    We traverse this earth for a reason
    As the bible says there is a time and a season
    A time we are given to plant Faith’s seed
    That will carry us through as long as we believe
    Each day we awake is a reflection to us all
    From the years gone by when we were small
    Life is a bending circle we want never to end
    In reality its truth upon our hearts will ascend
    We live for our children so they can receive
    The heritage of loved ones in their journey to be
    My children and I mean all of no matter the age
    Truly Life does has it challenges and rocky roads
    I just want you to know that I hope and pray
    That our Faith in you all will lighten your load


  4. Father this is bitter/sweet news. We will miss you at Holy Family Parish but happy that you are staying in Gloucester. You are amazing, smart, talented. I am so glad to know you. Good luck with your journey and hope you find the answers you are looking for. Your in my prayers, Joey’s Mom Pat


  5. Father Green, I have always enjoyed all your photos that are posted here. I wish you luck in your search to find the answers you need during the coming year. So glad you are staying on Cape Ann! There is NO more beautiful place in the world!


  6. Father Matthew,
    We were so sad to read in the bulletin this weekend about your departure from our parish. I want you to know that I have 3 daughters 25, 23 and 19 who were raised in the church at St. Ann’s/Holy Family but are at the point in their lives I like to call the “limbo college years” where they are figuring out their own paths. One of their first Christmas’ home together you gave a homily about “There’s an app for that” and from there…. you “had them at hello”! When they were home, they would look forward to attending whatever mass you were attending. I share this story to let you know that you have affected the young adults in our parish more than you may ever know…and to say thank you!

    May you find peace it wherever your path may lead you!


  7. Thank you, everybody, for your support and good wishes! If you know of affordable housing in the Gloucester or Rockport area (including roommate-type arrangements), as I mentioned in my post, please let me know. I already have some good options that I’m looking at, but it never hurts to have more possibilities on the table.


  8. I hope you find the inner peace your looking for. I think it is time for one set of foot prints. Good luck!


  9. I am glad Cardinal O’Malley has given you this opportunity. “Finding” the path is very challenging. Many don’t recognize the need to steep back and assess what the heck we’re going. Good for you for seeing the need and acting on it
    Best Wishes for a successful journey.


  10. Father Matthew, I have enjoyed your photos and origami from afar and listened to your homilys by podcast. Without even knowing you, you have become an endeared person in my consciousness. It is good you recognize what you need and have the faith to follow your heart. I wish you the very best in your journey. Hopefully we will still have the pleasure of hearing from you on the blog. God speed.


  11. Many thanks for your involvement with the Brazilian Community. Father Matthew,you are in my prayers. Charlene


  12. Father Matthew, life’s decisions are never easy. Gloucester is a very special city where you will find light, comfort and friendly people to help guide the way, take beautiful photos and reflect upon your journey with God. We have not met but I would love to join you on a Dogtown walk.


  13. Wonderful that you are taking and being given the opportunity to evaluate your life’s journey, and so happy that you will be staying on Cape Ann and part of the GMG family. May God bless you with all the wisdom, knowledge and understanding you need, as well as the perfect abode and income source.


  14. To everythihg there is a season. Best of luck in whatever avenue turns out to be the best. I hope we still see your photos in GMG!


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