The Case For Pickles

So you know when you have that brief moment of weakness and you’re hungry and you know you just gotta eat something but it’s not breakfast, lunch or dinner time?

You face decisions all day every day about what you’re gonna eat.

I’m not trying to preach here, just offer what has been working for me to keep my diet clean.


Loaded with flavor.  When refrigerated have a nice snap to them.  Zero Calories.  So instead of grabbing the bag of chips, or the candy bar- pickles.

Disclaimer: I may turn green eating so many pickles as my cravings tend to perk up every second I sit down.  Now I know how EJ feels about carrots.


I got the industrial sized jar at Costco.  There might be a hundred spears in there.


8 thoughts on “The Case For Pickles

  1. You must have really over consumed in Italy! So you’re going to turn green and EJ will be orange…and I thought that I hung with a colorful crowd before. Oh, that sodium.


  2. lol this entire thread haha… it’s too bad they wouldn’t come up with a low sodium pickle .. and Vlasic is my fave though 🙂


  3. Also a big pickle fan- they’ve been one of my go-to snack foods as I’ve lost over 50 pounds so far this year! Being a paisan myself, another favorite is giardiniera, which I’ll happily devour by the bowl instead of pretzels or chips. The sodium is high, but as Alton Brown always says as long as you have two functioning kidneys and drink enough water, you should be just fine.


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