Discover Gloucester Visitor Guide Unveiling This Evening!


Join us later today, 6PM at The Castle Manor Inn, to see who took the cover picture of the 2012 Discover Gloucester Visitor Guide… It’s a beauty!

Drinks and munchies, and great networking- with a sneak peek of the work that’s been done at this lovely Inn, before it opens to the public May 18.

We’re so proud of the Visitor Guide and of all the partners represented in it.

They’ve invested in their businesses and in the bigger tourism picture so that

Discover Gloucester can take on the challenge of promoting the entire destination.

See you at 6 today, The Castle Manor Inn, 141 Essex Avenue!

One thought on “Discover Gloucester Visitor Guide Unveiling This Evening!

  1. Gloucester
    I take my stroll by the oceans sand
    Amazed by how the tide smoothes the shore
    Taking pictures of the Man at the Wheel
    Paying a quarter for the harbor to explore
    Catching my breath as I admire such sites
    As the Lighthouse beyond Ten Pound Island
    Or the majesty of Hammond’s castle at night
    Or our golden beaches to bask on
    The oceans wave pounding the back shore
    With the mists of the sea spraying each passerby
    The Universalist Church with its historical steeple
    As its glowing beacon guides ships through foggy skies
    The fishing boats and Lobster boats tied to each dock
    Making ready their nets and traps for the next trip out
    Dogtown Common with all its trails and historic rocks
    Stagefort Park and its happy families of cries and shouts
    The Joan of Ark statue and Roger’s memorial stone
    All the murals inside City Hall
    The name of Lost Fishermen , loved ones own
    This my friends is the city my memory recalls


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