The Pledge To Plunge Updated List, A Food Drive and A Chance To Win A $100 Gift Card To The Azorean

Y’all know all the cool people will be taking the Plunge New Year’s Day at Rocky Neck.  Here’s our list of people who have pledged to plunge-
Optional to meet at Passports at 10AM beforehand and Plunge At Oaks Cove Beach New Years Day at Noon!
I can tell you it is incredibly invigorating and the very best way to start your year. It sets you up to overcome a fear and once you do it the rest of the year you feel like you can and will do anything!

Here’s the way this list works- you commit to plunge ahead of time, get your name on the list and show up, whoever plunges we pick a name out of the people who pledged out of a hat and that person wins a $100 Gift Card To The Azorean that Our Terry Weber donated to the cause!
If you pledge to plunge and then bail out for ANY REASON, that gives us free license to ridicule you for the entire year!

Is your name on here?  If not comment on this post and I’ll add you to the list of plungers to join us!

Joey C, Donna Ardizzoni, Rick Moore, Ed Collard, Paul Morrison, Rick Paolillo, Melissa Cox, Dr. Ray Cahill, Colleen Apostolos-Marsh, Lotus Marsh, Lukas and Lasse Struppe, Owen, Henry, and Jon Hardy, Alexandra Rhinelander, Charles Du Deaubien Gaspien (or something like that), Ericka Hyam, Steve LeBlanc, Jamie Verga, Kevin Ryan, Patrick Ryan, Denny Cunningham, Carolyn Kirk, Bill Kirk, Amanda Nash,Tom Robinson Cox, Mike and Eva DiLascio, Amandacakes and Beasley, Keara the chick with the heavy green eye shadow (I forgot her last name), Vickie Van Ness,Greg Bover, Brian O’Connor, Skip Montello,Kane Oshiro,Barry “Cuda” Pollack, Charles Rodgers, the bald guy that was second on the list, Terry Weber. If you told me you were plunging last night and you don’t see your name please alert me so I can add you. I somehow misplaced “the list” we complied last night at the XMAS party.

Last year’s plunge photos-

Click the picture below to see the slide show from Manny Simoes

Well Carol McCarthy is organizing a food drive for the Open Door Food Pantry.  here’s the deets-

Just a heads up that I am organizing a food drive the day of the Plunge… PLunge will be at Noon and the food drive is to benefit The Open Door..  They are in real need this year and Its time we give back on the Neck..   I asking everyone to bring what is needed by the Pantry.. I emailed Judy Cox and she is posting in the newsletter this week.. We need to make a HUGE push for the food pantry… What is desperately needed!!!!   Barrels will be set up at the entrance of Oak Cove Beach for the non-perishables.. Thanks Joey..

Cathy McCarthy  8978 317 2352

TUNA, Peanut Butter, Pasta Sauce, 100% Juice, Baking Items, Breakfast Cereal…

7 thoughts on “The Pledge To Plunge Updated List, A Food Drive and A Chance To Win A $100 Gift Card To The Azorean

  1. As another money maker: You threw your hat into the ring in the warm and cozy environs of Fred’s shop. But you wake up this morning to a 20 degree wind howling from the north west which makes Oaks Cove beach look like it will be filled with ice floes by tomorrow.

    Instead of ridicule for an entire year why not buy your way off the list? Say $100 to the Open Pantry? Or a year of ridicule. Why not $200?


  2. Joey, how did my name get on that list?!!? Must be a typo on your part. The most I said was “maybe”. Besides, it is a conflict of interest–I donated the gift card to the winner–what if I am the winner? 🙂


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