The Pewter Shop

As I mentioned in another post, I went down to Bearskin Neck one evening last week in search of Christmas decorations to photograph. A variety of the shops have nice window displays, but one of the few places that is really lit up is the Pewter Shop. You can’t miss it!

Recently, we (Holy Family Parish) bought a set of pewter cups and bowls from this shop for use at Mass, and at the time I was impressed by both their beautiful variety of pewter wares and the friendliness of the proprietors.  I decided to go back to photograph some of the beautiful things they sell. It would be a good place to go for some elegant Christmas or Chanukah gifts.

Zan welcomed me to the store
Walking in and seeing everything shine makes quite a first impression.
Among the treasures they offer is a large variety of Christmas tree decorations.

Being a deyed-in-the-wool fantasy fan, I count these dragons among my favorite items in the store. I'll buy one someday...
Irish Pewter

They aren’t kidding about this being “Irish Pewter”. I saw these same items being sold in gift shops in Ireland earlier this year. Surprisingly, the price at this shop in Rockport is as good or better than what I saw in Ireland…

Don’t forget to go through to the back side of the store (as I did the first time I was there)…

Don't miss it!

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