Empire Fish- 40’s or 50’s From Fred Buck

The Infamous One Shares This Slideshow of Empire Fish Cutting Redfish.  Anyone know any of the people in the photos?

Thanks Fred- it’s nice to share these with the community rather than sit in a box somewhere never seeing the light of day.

Your contributions here have been outstanding!

12 thoughts on “Empire Fish- 40’s or 50’s From Fred Buck

  1. Holy cow…one of the guys cutting fish is smoking while he’s working! I guess some of those boxes had a little extra seasoning…


  2. I love these photos… Please keep them comming.They remind me of my many visits to the warf growing up. Any chance their are some of the assembly line at Capt. Joes? I would love to see my Grandmother Felicia,and great aunts on the line!


  3. what a wet, messy job. went to work warm and dry, left work wet and chilled. brrrrrrrrrrr.

    Capt Eddie Lima told me that the spines on redfish are nasty…cuts from them could quickly lead to infection.


  4. wasn’t redfish more profitable as gurry and/or bait? people ate/eat it? i asked for a redfish at one of the fresh seafood markets a few years ago…got lots of upturned noses and queer looks…yuck, no.


    1. deb..my mother worked on the wharf packing redfish.. i remember her talking about workers getting redfish poisoning..and also how they had to cut the “buttons” that contained worms out of the fish.. who would eat that shit ??


  5. My guess is later…in the 60’s. Did those clear plastic aprons show up till then. Florescent lamps in the cieling. Actually North Atlantic was a classy place overall. You cannot, nobody can, even if you were there, imagine how much fish flesh got packed and wrapped by those old clickety machines. almost all the processors had 2 or three of them. Not rare for a million pounds a day in Gloucester. Those (ammonia) contact plate freezers could freeze solid about an inch per hour. The redfish as bait, even in the 70’s was a buck a bushell.


  6. I agree with Bob but, for a different reason. Just an FYI. This is no big deal but, in looking at those photos, it immediately ‘looked fishy’ to me! While some of the photos of the Empire fish cutters could be older, the GMC 370 truck in the Empire Fish photos with double head lights is probably a 1959 model, as in years earlier than that, you only saw single headlights on trucks which means that photo could even have been taken in the early 1960’s but, hardly not in the 40’s or early 50’s . See: http://www.flickr.com/photos/46535856@N08/5244797606/in/photostream/

    Or: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.yesterdaystruck.com/photoads/upload/2288_opt.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.yesterdaystruck.com/cgi-bin/photoads/classifieds.cgi%3Fsearch_and_display_db_button%3Don%26db_id%3D2288%26query%3Dretrieval&h=258&w=344&sz=28&tbnid=B2LtfIkr7JOOpM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=130&prev=/search%3Fq%3DPhotos%2Bof%2B1959%2BGMC%2B%2B370%2Btruck% 26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=Photos+of+1959+GMC++370+truck&docid=2p_Tn2eq7rSBHM&sa=X&ei=LDzBTsiXIOL10gH4w8DvBA&ved=0CGMQ9QEwBQ&dur=6279

    (Having been a car fanatic as young guy , I was quite aware that GM only started using double headlights on the Chevy Bel Aire and their brand new model, the “Impala” in 1958. So, that photo was a dead give away on the age of at least that one photo.)


    1. excellent work! the slides had no dates or imprints on them, so i was just guessing on the date. early 60s makes more sense. maybe someone in the bordinaro family could shed some light on this session. ??


  7. Also, in the bottom photo with a dump truck full of fish.. that car to the rear right, is an early 1950’s model, Cars of the 1940’s were more likely to have split windshields…


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