Deb Clarke Gets Her Winter Art Show Ready!

Gloucester Artist and Regular Contributor to GMG, Deb Clarke will be having an Exhibit and Sale of her Works at The Random Arts Gallery in Magnolia during the month of December. Here are a few Photos of the set up. More Photos and Information coming soon!

$25 drawings. will remove these from the wall and sell them from clipboards. signed, no frame, no mat.

This is what I accomplished yesterday at Randomarts in Magnolia.  Today I will re-hang and adjust the lights.  the wall space gets smaller and smaller everytime I look at my work.  the backwall has my ‘new’ work:  the drawings from this past year.  need to get some putty to keep some of the work from ‘moving’ on the wall.  small detail of my favorite work follows.
4 mixed media ‘drawings’ with oil and leaf on 5×5″ panels.  definitely need sticky putty to keep these from wobbling.  selling all work unframed.  folk can spend as much money or not on frames.  and get the art at a very affordable price.  these panels will be under a hundred.  still working out prices.
best to all,
For more Information Go to:

2 thoughts on “Deb Clarke Gets Her Winter Art Show Ready!

  1. thank you Paul! yes $25. this is going to be more like a clearance sale than an art show. so much work to let go of. it is time. and there will be lots of great deals on some great artwork.

    anyone want to buy a 32 year inventory of self portraits? they just keep going on and on. everytime i turn a canvas around, another self portrait…i was hard up on models and well, the model never asked for a dime for my time, took a break when i was ready for a break, and could find the position quickly after a break, and could pose for a very long time without getting bored.

    but, why do i need them now? my daughter EB says they are her legacy. hmmmm…..


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