Happy Birthday to our Fearless Leader!

Happy Birthday, Joey. Despite the ribbings, insults, and random acts of mayhem, you are one of my favorite people, and I’m so glad our paths crossed a year ago. Have a great day! Love you!!

29 thoughts on “Happy Birthday to our Fearless Leader!

  1. Thanks buddy.

    I got my passport picture taken the other day. Looks like I’ve aged 20 years in the past 5. What the hell happened to me?



    1. Happy Birthday my baby boy who somehow turned 42 overnight. Where did the years go. You still are handsome as ever Mr. Blue Eyes. Have a great day and may all your wishes come true this upcoming year.
      Very proud of you.
      All our love,
      Mom and Dad


  2. “What the hell happened to me?”

    It’s called children. Wait until they are teenagers and you can really kick that bobsled to ruin into high gear.

    But every grey hair is worth it. And Happy Birthday. There must be a two day old Joey photo in a Halloween costume you need to scan and post.

    Oh wait a minute. Here it is:


  3. hey bro, i just looked out the window in my office and their is frickin snow on the ground. well atleast it will be gone by 10:30 / 11:00 am the weather say’s high 70’s today. freaky AZ. weather. by the way i am not lazy it’s only 5:30 am here. a few times i called joe De Salvo at like 9:30 pm and relised it was 12:30 pm their. see ya sometime next month , still not sure on the date but i’ll be their to terorise you and frank in november sometime. want me to bring you a giant spider or rattlesnake ? 🙂


  4. Happy Birthday Punk! Can I call you punk, now that I made the top #8 slot? We have that lobsta outfit for Arden this year . . . 😉


  5. Happy Belated One! I just realized you share a birthday with my other favorite Gloucester guy, big Jerry O! Steph and I look forward to seeing you at the holiday bash!


  6. Joey, Happy late birthday. I got hurt and didn’t get on my computer that night. Stayed on my couch all night. Figures. I hope everything you ever wished for come true for you. Stay Safe.


  7. Oh Oh Joey, That’s not the day I got hurt. I wanted to find out what day the article was posted and when I found it I realized I did look that night. But I remember kind of going fast through the blog. I didn’t even check out the buoys that good so now I know why I misses the heading at the very end. Sorry. Zig and I are going to be in town Saturday with his Lady. The A.


    1. Yeah, that last one was a fake baby joey.

      But I found an authentic one:

      ps. Joey, those lobstah yesterday were perfect. That and banana, orange, peanut butter salt water taffy from Tucks and I have the Cape Ann tour down pat. Your dock is permanently on the schedule. I can now send the link of Sean doing his dive off the roof and he’ll know just where he landed. (Except high tide it doesn’t look so scary. I’ll bring my jock and try it out.)


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