GMG Power Rankings #4

As I said yesterday 3-5 is very difficult to peg in the GMG Power Rankings because on any given day the three contributors could be in a different spot.

The number four spot goes to someone who has been with the blog for a long while and his contributions have been widely varied but ever constant.

Frank Ciolino has been a long time FOB (friend of the blog) and he always, ALWAYS can be counted on.  Frank is a friend that would do anything for you.  The latest batch of Homie Stickers-Frank.  Building a frame for the backdrop of the GMG curtain- Frank.  Etched Glass GMG mugs-Frank.  Helping clean up after the Block Party and organize the media presentation-Frank.  Mkae GMG Banners- Frank.  Take my camera to cover an event when I can’t get away from work-Frank.

His contributions are countless not to mention we love his company when he stops down with son Joey and daughter Mikayla at the dock.  If you’re going to war and need to count on someone to come through for you, Frank’s the guy you want in that foxhole with you.

Much thanks to Franko and family, your #4 in the  GMG Power Rankings

Frank Ciolino and Daughter Mikayla
Frank Ciolino and Daughter Mikayla

5 thoughts on “GMG Power Rankings #4

  1. Absolutely right joey. Frank and his family are great people, always there if you need them. He wouldn’t do what he does if you weren’t the same way. GMG has a great team. keep up the good work. i keep trying to tell Frank that you’re just being nice and FOB means fat,old and bald. (not that i would know) congrats frank you deserve it!!!


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