The Gloucester Sketchbook Project Update from eb

Gloucester Sketchbook Project Update from eb

BECAUSE of other various projects, I haven’t been able to work on my sketchbook for the past few weeks and thus there’s been a lack of updates. Sorry! So here’s a snippet of what I’ve started up with:

The hand written typography is something that I’m really excited about! I haven’t been terribly active with type in a long time, and it felt incredibly satisfying to do some hand lettering. Some are visuals that I copied by eye, just to get my craft back, but none are traced from the source. The ‘u’ in the pencil draft needs to be corrected though….its opposite slant is driving me crazy, sketch or no sketch.

Gloucester Sketchbook Project Update


Gloucester Sketchbook Project

 “Something Sketchy” Update

Something Sketchy Welcomes New Member: Carol McKenna 

Carol McKenna

Hello, World ~

So glad you could stop by for my new artistic adventure. I am so glad to be part of this wonderful team, SomethingSketchy. Everyone is working hard and sharing their creativity. When asked to join this adventure, I was so excited and naturally rather anxious. Me? They want me to join them! Well, here I am  and will be sharing my artistic journey.

The latest event is the Sketchbook Project Tour 2011 which is a traveling art event. When you join, you receive a blank journal and are to fill it with your sketches by mid January and then send it in to join the Art House Co-op in Brooklyn NY. From there your sketchbook travels around the country and then returns home to the Brooklyn Library where the journals will be housed for viewing. Yep, you have to let go of your “art baby” and send her into the world. Mama Mia! “Here I go again.” Another brave adventure or as Helen Keller is quoted as saying “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.”


When I enrolled in the Sketchbook Project, I didn’t particulary like any of the themes they offered so I went with a random selection and the theme I now have is “Make mine a double” ~ As I post different page projects you will see sketches on this theme. It is a theme that can be portrayed in many ways and is, in fact, providing me with the opportunity to expand my imagination and creativity. Just another one those “life hurdles”.

Hugs and namaste,

Carol McKenna

For more Info on the Gloucester Sketchbook Project Click the Link Below

Check out Carols other blogs\

It’s AHHT! by deb clarke


light art!

 every once in a while my work catches me off guard with an inner certainty that i am on the right path. the sun hit this painting yesterday. that ‘light patch’ is flattened out in this image. the reality of the reflected light is that it existed in space, sort of like a hologram. damn, if i could paint like that, But, I don’t know how to. Yet.


There’s a New Blog in Town!

There’s a New Blog in Town!

Don’t worry Joey, GMG has nothing to worry about. Even though I will be posting some Great Stuff! This Blog will be following the progress of Six Artists participating in the “Sketchbook Project” all of us either live here in Gloucester or have Ties here.  Deb Clarke can explain it better. Check it out below.   

From Deb Clarke;


We are 6 intrepid sketchbookers with a common love of gloucester massachusetts that have decided to participate with 17,000+ other sketchbookers in “The Sketchbook Project”. This began with Elizabeth Bollenberg asking me (deb clarke, her mom) to get her a sketchbook so that she could participate in the project. I ordered a sketchbook for her and one for me. My goodmorninggloucester friend and student Paul Frontiero ordered one. Then my friend, co-worker, and goodmorninggloucester friend Sabine Ocker ordered one. Then my friend, now living in Palm Springs and goodmorninggloucester friend Helen Anne Lind ordered one.

my personal approach…i’m going to start posting regularly on it after i deliver eb’s sketchbook to her tomorrow. i have some fun ideas, and of course, since i am an artist and am used to stretching into unknown territory, i’m going to dive in, dive down deep, then re-surface. whatever i do, i trust it will be full of surprises, with unexpected consequences.

at least this is one art object that i won’t have to store and take care of after it leaves my hands.


We invite you to follow our progress towards the successful completion of our sketchbooks.

Anyone can participate, you don’t have to be an artist! If you would like to participate in the sketchbook project too, click the sketchbook project link. If you would like to share your sketchbook work for The Brooklyn Art Library’s traveling ‘Sketchbook Project”, we would be pleased to see your work and perhaps share your progress on our Blog; and here on GMG too.”

Click the Banner below for more Info on the “Sketchbook Project”

