Gloucester Oscars | CODA afterglow Front Page Gloucester Daily Times

A joyous read for Gloucester and movie fans everywhere, Gloucester Daily Times front page serves as a beacon to the triple Oscar winning film CODA with great reporting by Ethan Forman and Gail McCarthy and photographs by Paul Bilodeau.

REPORTER Ethan Forman

Ethan Forman’s piece features multiple local interviews, businesses and locales.

“…CODA did not turn to special effects to tell the story on the water. Instead, it turned Capt. Paul Vitale’s 50 foot fishing vessel Angela + Rose into a working movie set in August and September of 2019.”

Ethan Forman. Gloucester Daily Times, March 30, 2022 | Read the complete article here

“They are definitely the little film that could,” said Meg Jarrett, of Gloucester, the liaison for Cape Ann for the Massachusetts Film Office, who spoke of the importance of CODA’s success, saying it will make it easier to film other productions on Cape Ann.”

Ethan Forman CODA coverage in the Gloucester Daily Times March 30, 2022


“This is Our Moment”: Deaf Community Celebrates 3 Oscar Wins for ‘CODA’

Gail McCarthy continues her excellent CODA chronicling

“Gloucester is at the center of an independent film that sent not a ripple, but a tidal wave throughout the Deaf community with its message being heard at the White House and around the world.

The cinematic pebble that started that ripple was the film “CODA,” which stands for Child of Deaf Adult(s), but coda is a term often linked more to the music world than the Deaf community.

That began to change Sunday night…”

Gail McCarthy, Gloucester Daily Times, March 30, 2022 read the full article here

See prior Gail McCarthy piece here

**updated: correction brain freeze – apologies for crediting Sean Horgan instead of Ethan Forman in the first pass! Sorry Ethan**

Gloucester in the news and on the road: #GloucesterMA documentary and food a hit in Minnesota news

Great read- From Sea to Sustainable Sea: Supporting American Wild Seafood event in Minneapolis “combined midwest premiere of the Gloucester fishing documentary “Dead in the Water” by Rockport native David Wittkower sandwiched between a cocktail hour and a seafoot featst featuring Gloucester landed monkfish, redfish, crabs, lobsters andother seafood delights.” See who’s involved with this great road foodiefilm trip, read more here

Spreading Gloucester’s Story: Minnesotans eat up film on fleet, seafood by Sean Horgan, Gloucester Daily Times


Today’s paper: Sean Horgan features Captain Joe & Sons in lobster news – Gloucester, Massachusetts throw the claw down!

“Building on the success of its Gloucester Fresh seafood branding campaign, the city of Gloucester plans to apply the same formula to help brand and market Massachusetts lobster to lobster lovers the world over. Couldn’t happen in a better place.”- Sean Horgan

Link to article in today’s Gloucester Daily Times by Sean Horgan with photos by Mike Springerand lots of lobster numbers “Gloucester hopes catch can claw its way to top: Push on to brand, market Massachusetts Lobster” 

Horgan wrote about the Seaport Economic Council  award announcements August 15th, City Wins $110,000 promote its fish, lobste “We’re really excited about the attention the program is getting,” said Sal Di Stefano, the city’s economic development director and its point man on the Gloucester Fresh campaign. “This was just a concept a few years ago and now it’s an internationally recognized brand. We’re really proud of that.”


Gloucester Daily Times Sean Horgan article Aug 18 2018 on lobster MA marketing campaign features Capt Joe & Sons.jpg

GloucesterCast 112 With Kim Smith, Toby Pett, Frank Ciolino and Host Joey Ciaramitaro #GloucesterMA

GloucesterCastSquareGloucesterCast 112 With Kim Smith, Toby Pett and Frank Ciolino With Host Joey Ciaramitaro

Topics Include: Kim Smith and Toby Pett, Oatmeal Cookies From Cape Ann Coffees Induce Many Farts, Soft Bake vs Hard Cookies, Winner Of New Podcast Subscriber Contest of The Cape Pond Ice Coffee Mug Is Pauline Bresnahan From Pauline’s Gifts, Next Week’s New Subscriber Contest Prizes Are A Copy of Carol Perry’s New Book- “Caught Dead Handed” and A Fish City Gloucester T-Shirt from Fred Bodin , Joey’s Consistent Idiotic Spelling Mistakes, Sean Horgan Took Offense At The Title Of My GMG Mayor Kirk Post, The Gloucester Daily Times- For The Record I Am Not A Critic., Nutty Redhead Raises 1600 In a Day to Get Her Kickstarter Funded After GMG Post, The Story Of Benji The Lost For 11 Days Dog, Floating Ideas For The Next GMG Sticker, Paulie Walnuts Not Using His Head, Christopher Swain Swims, A GMG Coverage Failure On The Pete Frates Plunge, Alot., Kim Neglects To Bring Me a Turkey Sandwich With Cranberry Sauce and Mayo, Frank Ciolino Does Not Eat Turkey On Christmas, Three Guesses On What Frank Ciolino Got For Christmas, New Year’s Eve Plans, Rockport’s Rocking New Year’s Eve, Rocky Neck Polar Plunge, Afternoon Naps=Heaven, Paulie Walnuts Apologizes For Messing, Defending The No-Politics Rule,


Frank Cilolino, Toby, Joey Ciaramitaro GMG Podcast #112 ©Kim Smith 2014

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“Displaced By Fishing War” by Sean Horgan

Excellent article in the Gloucester Daily Times, written by Sean Horgan, published December 12, 2013.

“Joe Orlando still wakes up in the night, when the wind is whistling, and wonders if he should go down to the Gloucester House and make sure the Padre Pio’s lines are secure.

There still are days when the longtime Gloucester fisherman, as if lured by something invisible and irresistible, finds himself heading toward the dock to check on his boat.

“I say to myself, ‘What am I doing’?” Orlando said.

He is doing what he’s done for the past 30 years, what he’s done since he bought the 65-foot steel fishing boat in 1983 in partnership with his sister Angela Sanfilippo and her husband John.

There’s only problem: Orlando no longer owns the Padre Pio.”

Read the full article here:

Displaced by Fishing War: Gloucesterman haunted by urge to go to sea and loss of vessel

Padre Pio ©Kim Smith 2012Beautiful Padre Pio, Gloucester

More posts on GMG about the Padre Pio:


Game Over. It’s A Sad Day For Gloucester