“Displaced By Fishing War” by Sean Horgan

Excellent article in the Gloucester Daily Times, written by Sean Horgan, published December 12, 2013.

“Joe Orlando still wakes up in the night, when the wind is whistling, and wonders if he should go down to the Gloucester House and make sure the Padre Pio’s lines are secure.

There still are days when the longtime Gloucester fisherman, as if lured by something invisible and irresistible, finds himself heading toward the dock to check on his boat.

“I say to myself, ‘What am I doing’?” Orlando said.

He is doing what he’s done for the past 30 years, what he’s done since he bought the 65-foot steel fishing boat in 1983 in partnership with his sister Angela Sanfilippo and her husband John.

There’s only problem: Orlando no longer owns the Padre Pio.”

Read the full article here:

Displaced by Fishing War: Gloucesterman haunted by urge to go to sea and loss of vessel

Padre Pio ©Kim Smith 2012Beautiful Padre Pio, Gloucester

More posts on GMG about the Padre Pio:


Game Over. It’s A Sad Day For Gloucester

3 thoughts on ““Displaced By Fishing War” by Sean Horgan

  1. Very sad indeed I remember the full dories of the 60’s George More • Certain things catch your eye, but pursue only those that capture your heart.
    ~ An old Indian saying

    • I am tired of talk that comes to nothing. It makes my heart sick when I remember all the good words and all the broken promises. There has been too much talking by men who had no right to talk. • It does not require many words to speak the truth.
    ~ Chief Joseph: Nez Perce 1840-1904, Nez Percéé Indian chief


  2. Your right Kim “Excellent article”

    very sad, that some people 300 plus years ago start fishing here and now people have to stop It because they have taken more than the sea can provide. The Orlando family had to sell there catch share and boat to a man in Boston but they are a strong people and with the cash in hand and help from the Fishing Partnership Support Services they will prevail in what ever non-fishing adventurer they try.

    The Orlando fished these seas unabated till 1983 when stocks shrank, they sold there big boat and got the Padre Pio! Back to sea they went! You have to give them credit they unlike other fishermen made it to the end of the stocks and became one of the last to pull there boat?

    Give the sea’s 20 plus years and maybe all the damage 300 plus years of over fishing can be reversed? Hopefully, more sustainable fishing practices can be adopted by the new future families of are docks so that this does not happen to are sea again.


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