Today’s paper: Sean Horgan features Captain Joe & Sons in lobster news – Gloucester, Massachusetts throw the claw down!

“Building on the success of its Gloucester Fresh seafood branding campaign, the city of Gloucester plans to apply the same formula to help brand and market Massachusetts lobster to lobster lovers the world over. Couldn’t happen in a better place.”- Sean Horgan

Link to article in today’s Gloucester Daily Times by Sean Horgan with photos by Mike Springerand lots of lobster numbers “Gloucester hopes catch can claw its way to top: Push on to brand, market Massachusetts Lobster” 

Horgan wrote about the Seaport Economic Council  award announcements August 15th, City Wins $110,000 promote its fish, lobste “We’re really excited about the attention the program is getting,” said Sal Di Stefano, the city’s economic development director and its point man on the Gloucester Fresh campaign. “This was just a concept a few years ago and now it’s an internationally recognized brand. We’re really proud of that.”


Gloucester Daily Times Sean Horgan article Aug 18 2018 on lobster MA marketing campaign features Capt Joe & Sons.jpg