Robert Newton Cape Ann Community Cinema WGBH radio Interview Dishes On Oscars


Catherine Ryan writes-

Hi Joey

If you haven’t had the chance, listen to Robert Newton’s WGBH radio interview with Edgar B. Herwick III about all things Oscars, Rob’s stellar programming (which includes special events featuring nights with Liv Ullmann or movie launches with luminaries like John Sayles) and of course Rob’s enthusiasm for Gloucester! It’s the lead interview, first 10 minutes.

“Movies are spiritual experience and way of life for me…I’m happy to share my enthusiasm and joy for film…and our refuge sanctuary (here) in Gloucester !”


His annual Oscars night also falls on his birthday this year. Come celebrate:

New England String Quartet opens the Oscars and plays selected Oscar winning music.

Red Carpet 8PM

Movie snacks from around the world (Norway Raindeer jerky – Liv Ullmann inspired no doubt)

Happy Birthday Rob!

Love and Other Anxieties Gloucester Premier

Save The Date 

Filmmaker Event:  On Monday July 23, at 7:30 one of my dearest friends, Lyda Kuth, is showing her beautiful and touching film  Love and Other Anxieties at the Cape Ann Community Cinema. Lyda will be there to talk with the audience and answer questions. Many artists in our community know Lyda from her other role as an arts funder. She is the founding board member and executive director of the LEF Foundation.

Come say hello to Lyda and see her moving film. I’ll be there introducing Lyda and look forward to seeing you there! Click here for Advance Ticket Sales

Faced with the reality that her only child will flee the nest for college, film-funder turned filmmaker Lyda Kuth gets anxious not only about how her daughter will fare in today’s world of love and romance, but also about her relationship with her husband of 20 years.  What will life be like after her daughter leaves?  What is the real meaning of love, marriage, and long-term commitment?

Greenheads Brings In $640 For The Russo Fund

Last nights presentation of Greenheads at Cape Ann Community Cinema brought in an additional $640 for the Children of Matteo Russo Fund.  It was through the generosity of Robert Newton and Gordon Baird  who presented the movie with the purpose of donating to this great cause and the people that turned out to support it.

Packed House For GGAP II

We had a lot of fun and raised money for a great cause.   People turned out and I’m proud to say that GGAP II was the first sell-out at Cape Ann Community Cinema.  We raised $2217. which will be deposited by the end of the week to The MR Children fund.  There are still 12 t shirts left which can be purchased at The Dress Code downtown and 100% of that money will be added into the total when they are sold.  Also Rob Newton will be donating a portion of the proceeds from a show this week (details to follow) into the pot.

DSC_5259, originally uploaded by sharon_lowe88.

Thanks to Sharon for taking the pictures at the show as I was too busy to be able to get any footage.

Cape Ann Community Cinema Schedule for 10/18-10/19

Cape Ann Community Cinema, originally uploaded by captjoe06.



A wry blend of dark humor, romantic deception, and stylish melodrama—with an invigorating dash of suspense—Married Life is an unconventional fable for grown-ups about the irresistible power and utter madness of love. After decades of marital contentment, Harry (Chris Cooper) concludes that he must kill his wife Pat (Patricia Clarkson) because he loves her too much to let her suffer when he leaves her. Harry has fallen hard for the young and lovely Kay (Rachel McAdams), but his best friend Richard (Pierce Brosnan) wants to win Kay for himself. As Harry implements his maladroit plans for murdering his wife, the other characters are entangled with their own deceptions. Like Harry, they race towards their passions but trip over their scruples, seemingly well-intended towards all, but truthful to none. Married Life is an uncommonly adult film that surprises and confounds expectations. While it plays with mystery, comedy, and intrigue, its ultimate concern is: “What is married life?” In its sly way, Married Life poses perceptive questions about the seasonal discontents and unforeseen joys of all long-term relationships.

“A sly little fable with at least six very obvious homages to Alfred Hitchcock thrillers, and a dark little heart that happily hides under a double-breasted suit.” -Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News



La Scala Ballet brings to the Teatro degli Arcimboldi what could be called a “sold out” premiere, which has indeed been the case worldwide for Mauro Bigonzetti’s much celebrated Mediterranea, a production that La Scala is adding to its repertoire in world exclusive.

On this occasion, for the fifteenth anniversary of the show (created for the Balletto di Toscana in 1993), Mauro Bigonzetti will give the La Scala artists not only a revival but a true choreographic adaptation. With them and “on” them he will renew the production while maintaining its strength and colors, and the sense of travel through the musical cultures of the countries that face each other on the mare nostrum.

Mediterranea, which does not indulge in the folklore but varies the musical genres that range from popular Turkish music to Ligeti and Mozart to archaic Grecian melodies, focuses on the gestures and the moves in a refined balance between lyricism and pure energy.

Tickets to this special event are $15.00,
and can be reserved by e-mailing the CACC at the address at the top of this page.

Come experience “Mediterranea” with us in glorious HD, the next best thing to being there!

“A hit with the public, ‘Mediterranea’ was acclaimed by critics for its power…” -Dance Magazine



“Gonzo” is the definitive film biography of Hunter S. Thompson, a mythic American figure, a man that Tom Wolfe called our “greatest comic writer.” Thompson is the man that launched a thousand sips of bourbon, endless snorts of cocaine and a brash, irreverent, fearless style of journalism – named “gonzo” after an anarchic blues riff by James Booker. “Gonzo” is directed by Alex Gibney, the Academy Award nominated director of “Enron: The Smartest Guys In The Room” and the director of the Academy Award-winning documentary, “Taxi To The Dark Side.” While Gibney shaped the screen story, every narrated word in the film springs from the typewriters of Thompson himself. Those words are given life by Johnny Depp, the actor who once shadowed Thompson’s every move for the screen version of “Fear And Loathing In Las Vegas,” and who bankrolled Thompson’s spectacular funeral (photographed for this film) in which the good doctor’s ashes were fired from a rocket launcher mounted with a towering two-thumbed fist whose palm held a giant peyote button.

“A tender, even-tempered elegy to a writer who at his peak could ingest staggering (literally) amounts of drugs and alcohol and transform, like Popeye after a can of spinach, into a superhuman version of himself.” -David Edelstein, New York Magazine


In their documentary “Chris & Don: A Love Story,” directors Tina Mascara and Guido Santi show us so many of the famous people that artist Don Bachardy and author Christopher Isherwood (“Cabaret”) knew in their more than three decades together that anyone coming to the film in the middle without any context might think it a “Forrest Gump” caliber ruse. However, there is no digital manipulation here, just incredible pictures of scores of moments from an incredible love shared by an unlikely couple.

“Primed as we are by a culture rich in both homophobia and dirty old men, we can be forgiven for anticipating a sordid cautionary tale. It’s a shock – a happy shock – when ‘Chris & Don’ recounts a love that approaches the transcendental.” -David Edelstein, New York Magazine


Actor, performer, and multi-platinum rock icon Marvin “Meat Loaf” Aday reveals surprising shades of himself – and a fertile creative mind in constant flux – in this intimate and highly entertaining theatrical feature documentary. The time is early 2007, one of the most stressful in Meat Loaf’s career. He’s about to launch his most ambitious tour ever, an 18 month long marathon to support “Bat Out Of Hell III,” the final album of the legendary “Bat” trilogy. The earlier “Bat” albums were two of the biggest sellers of all time, with combined sales of over 55 million, so a lackluster but respectable performance on this new tour just won’t measure up. Meat Loaf’s exhausting and often poignant journey takes him from grueling rehearsals in Burbank, California and through the Canadian portion of his tour. Along the way, an unexpected media controversy erupts over the staging of one of his songs – a controversy that raises questions about his art, his age, his relevance – and brings into focus the drive (and demons) that have fueled his over-the-top stage persona for almost 40 years. “Meat Loaf: In Search Of Paradise” is a rich, first-ever portrait of an extraordinary, international icon that includes riveting performances of his biggest hits like “I Would Do Anything for Love (But I Won’t Do That),” “Took The Words Right Out Of My Mouth,” “Two Out Of Three Ain’t Bad,” and of course, “Paradise By The Dashboard Light.”

“Meat Loaf: In Search Of Paradise” is part of our “Sundays Swing” music series.

“‘In Search Of Paradise’ portrays Meat Loaf as an obsessive, self-punishing performer, striving in vain to put on a live show that matches the visions in his head.” -Matt Zoller Seitz, The New York Times


This year’s Oscar winner for Best Foreign Language film is a curiosity of sorts; it is a Holocaust drama, yet its protagonist is an antihero. Soon after meeting Salomon “Sally” Sorowitsch (a captivating Karl Markovics), we realize that he is an opportunistic forger whose dubious skills and penchant for partying landed him in a concentration camp in 1936. As we flash-forward to the back side of the war, we soon realize that Sally has been tapped to create flawless copies of the pound and the dollar with which his Nazi captors will flood the British and American economies while funding a faltering Third Reich’s own war effort.

“Slick, exciting, emotionally trenchant – well done all around.” -Ty Burr, The Boston Globe

Cape Ann Community Cinema Part IV

click the picture to view the video interview with Robert Newton

Robert Newton explains the community aspects of the CACC and how you can get involved.  Note: This does not mean you should send in your home porno tapes like Paris Hilton, Pamela Anderson or Kim Kardashian.

Cape Ann Community Cinema Schedule For 10/17- 10/18

Five movies today starting at 12:30PM.  There’s something for everyone here folks!  Damn I wish this wasn’t our busy season.  I love the movies.

In their documentary “Chris & Don: A Love Story,” directors Tina Mascara and Guido Santi show us so many of the famous people that artist Don Bachardy and author Christopher Isherwood (“Cabaret”) knew in their more than three decades together that anyone coming to the film in the middle without any context might think it a “Forrest Gump” caliber ruse. However, there is no digital manipulation here, just incredible pictures of scores of moments from an incredible love shared by an unlikely couple.

“Primed as we are by a culture rich in both homophobia and dirty old men, we can be forgiven for anticipating a sordid cautionary tale. It’s a shock – a happy shock – when ‘Chris & Don’ recounts a love that approaches the transcendental.” -David Edelstein, New York Magazine


For more than thirty years, exit polls accurately predicted election results. Over the last ten years that reliability has disappeared. What’s going on? The last two presidential elections both came down to a relatively small number of votes, and in both elections the integrity of the voting process has been called into question. With the upcoming election looking to be similarly close, the time has come to ask the questions: What happened in 2000 and 2004? What, if anything, has changed since? And what can be done to ensure a fair and honest tabulation of votes in 2008? This film brings together behind-the-scenes perspectives from the U.S presidential election of 2004 – plus startling stories from key races in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2006. The film sheds light on a decade of vote counts that don’t match votes cast – uncounted ballots, vote switching, under-votes, an many other examples of election totals that warrant serious investigation. This film unveils patterns of anomalies at every level of the electoral process. Controversial partnerships perpetuate a secretive environment, as relevant facts and figures remain hidden from view. As a result, most Americans have no real sense of the threat to fair elections. As seemingly unrelated pieces of the puzzle come together, a chilling picture emerges: of widespread, artfully crafted “glitches” that, in the final tallies, have the capacity to alter election results.

“This tersely sobering documentary…mounts its case with hardheaded numerical logic.”
-Owen Gleiberman, Entertainment Weekly


Nejat initially disapproves of his widower father Ali’s choice of prostitute Yeter for a live-in girlfriend. But the young professor warms to her when he learns that most of her hard-earned money is sent home to Turkey for her daughter’s university studies. After Yeter’s accidental death, Nejat travels to Istanbul to search for Yeter’s daughter Ayten. Political activist Ayten has fled the Turkish police and is already in Germany. She is befriended by a young woman, Lotte, who invites rebellious Ayten to stay in her home, much to the displeasure of her conservative mother, Susanne. When Ayten is arrested and her asylum plea denied, she is deported and imprisoned in Turkey. Passionate Lotte abandons everything to help Ayten. A tragic event brings Susanne to Istanbul to help fulfill her daughter`s mission.

“Like a more personal, less pretentious version of Alejandro Gonzalez Inarritu’s ‘Babel’, this spiraling dissection of circumstance, choice and fate is more about thoroughness of vision than tricky storytelling.” -Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News


Nearly as insidious as the Hitler’s wholesale slaughter of Jews and others he thought inferior was his systematic pillaging of Europe’s art treasures and the attempted cultural annihilation of “sub-human” peoples. In the exhaustive documentary written and directed by Richard Berge, Nicole Newnham and Bonni Cohen, the trio goes far in chronicling this seldom explored prong of the Nazis’ assault, from Hitler’s formation of the party in the 1920’s right through to its rise to power in 1933 to its defeat at the end of World War II twelve years later. Art lovers will thrill to the heroic efforts of not only the staffs of the Louvre and the Hermitage, but the U.S. Army’s contingent of “Monuments Men,” commissioned to protect these treasures from a vindictive retreating German force. While the three do not fully make a case for the Reich’s hunger for art being a major impetus for its warmongering, they do depict the tragedy of this hidden war-within-a-war with the kind of passion that would even make the most cold-hearted collector of velvet Elvis paintings weep.

“There is a heart-rending feeling to this documentary, in part due to its sense of irretrievable loss.”
-Philip Marchand, The Toronto Star


In her feature debut, writer-director Shelli Ryan takes viewers on a suspenseful and deeply moving genre-straddling journey that delves into the imaginative mind of a frightened little boy coping with his parent’s devastating split. This powerful and thrilling story unfolds through the eyes of Jake, an only child caught between the two people he loves most. As Jake navigates his grief through the landscape of his parents’ escalating conflict, he finds himself haunted by noises in the night. He soon discovers an evil living inside his bedroom closet. Convinced no one will believe him, Jake must face the evil alone. What he uncovers in the process is a reality that will haunt him for the rest of his life. As Jake, gifted young actor Anthony DeMarco charms the audience with a remarkable combination of innocence and maturity, vulnerability and strength. DeMarco is joined by a superb cast with breakout performances by Sean Bridgers (HBO’s “Deadwood”) and Brooke Bloom (“CSI: Miami”).

Part of our Friday Night Frights series, which ends on Halloween Night with the Lovecraft tale, “Cthulhu.”

“…this suburban horror show that translates familial crisis into zombies living in a bedroom closet maintains a steady dramatic pulse supported by impressive craft.” -Robert Koehler, Variety



A wry blend of dark humor, romantic deception, and stylish melodrama—with an invigorating dash of suspense—Married Life is an unconventional fable for grown-ups about the irresistible power and utter madness of love. After decades of marital contentment, Harry (Chris Cooper) concludes that he must kill his wife Pat (Patricia Clarkson) because he loves her too much to let her suffer when he leaves her. Harry has fallen hard for the young and lovely Kay (Rachel McAdams), but his best friend Richard (Pierce Brosnan) wants to win Kay for himself. As Harry implements his maladroit plans for murdering his wife, the other characters are entangled with their own deceptions. Like Harry, they race towards their passions but trip over their scruples, seemingly well-intended towards all, but truthful to none. Married Life is an uncommonly adult film that surprises and confounds expectations. While it plays with mystery, comedy, and intrigue, its ultimate concern is: “What is married life?” In its sly way, Married Life poses perceptive questions about the seasonal discontents and unforeseen joys of all long-term relationships.

“A sly little fable with at least six very obvious homages to Alfred Hitchcock thrillers, and a dark little heart that happily hides under a double-breasted suit.” -Joe Neumaier, New York Daily News



La Scala Ballet brings to the Teatro degli Arcimboldi what could be called a “sold out” premiere, which has indeed been the case worldwide for Mauro Bigonzetti’s much celebrated Mediterranea, a production that La Scala is adding to its repertoire in world exclusive.

On this occasion, for the fifteenth anniversary of the show (created for the Balletto di Toscana in 1993), Mauro Bigonzetti will give the La Scala artists not only a revival but a true choreographic adaptation. With them and “on” them he will renew the production while maintaining its strength and colors, and the sense of travel through the musical cultures of the countries that face each other on the mare nostrum.

Mediterranea, which does not indulge in the folklore but varies the musical genres that range from popular Turkish music to Ligeti and Mozart to archaic Grecian melodies, focuses on the gestures and the moves in a refined balance between lyricism and pure energy.

Tickets to this special event are $15.00,
and can be reserved by e-mailing the CACC at the address at the top of this page.

Come experience “Mediterranea” with us in glorious HD, the next best thing to being there!

“A hit with the public, ‘Mediterranea’ was acclaimed by critics for its power…” -Dance Magazine

Cape Ann Community Cinema Part III Video

Click the picture to view the video

Cape Ann Comminity Cinema Part III- Robert Newton gives us a tour of the theater and seating of the Cape Ann Community Cinema at 267 East Main St at The Gloucester Stage Co.

Cape Ann Community Cinema Part II

The second part of my interview with Robert Newton, director of the Cape Ann Community Cinema.  Rob explains film selection and what the project is all about in the lobby at the 267 East Main Street Location.

Cape Ann Community Cinema Schedule For 10/15




In the two decades since its release, Rob Reiner’s comic fantasy “The Princess Bride” (based on William Goldman’s book) has become a modern classic. Come enjoy for the first time all over again the hilarious and romantic boy-meets-girl adventure yarn about a poor farm boy named Westley (Cary Elwes), his One True Love – the beautiful Princess Buttercup (Robin Wright) – and all the hilarious obstacles they overcome to be live out their storybook love. The film features a fantastic supporting cast, including Mandy Patinkin, Wallace Shawn, Christopher Guest, Chris Sarandon, Peter Falk, Fred Savage and the late Andre the Giant.

Join us after the movie for a chat with film critic MaryAnn Johanson,
author of the book, “The Totally Geeky Guide to The Princess Bride.”

Cape Ann Community Cinema October 14 Schedule

Cape Ann Community Cinema
Cape Ann Community Cinema




First-time director Judy Faust challenges viewers with the question, “What’s Your Story?” by telling her own – which took her on a journey to a church in Austria where she spent time with Holocaust survivors invited by the town for a week of reconciliation. It was an emotional roller coaster ride for many, including the producer, Judy and her mother Trudy. Sad but ultimately uplifting, the film explores healing from war, even from the Holocaust.

A lively Q & A with Ms. Faust and audience discussion follows the movie.

“…a passionate story of loss and redemption.” -Marilyn Taylor, The Coastal Journal

Robert Newton -Cape Ann Community Cinema At Gloucester Stage Co

Here is Robert Newton, the man behind The Cape Ann Community Cinema which is showcasing 60 films in 33 days.   Robert is a film critic and says “I sit through the crap so you don’t have to.”  He is bringing significant films to our community in a beautiful venue.

Looking for something to do?  Check out the daily schedules here on GoodMorningGloucester and support this fantastic venture.  Just another reason Gloucester Rocks!  You think those bedroom communities have this kind of stuff going on?  I can assure you they don’t!

Robert Newton -Cape Ann Community Cinema At Gloucester Stage Co, originally uploaded by captjoe06.

267 East Main Street (at Gloucester Stage) in
East Gloucester. Give them a call at (978) 282-1988 or log on at

Do You Know About CACC?

Do you know about Cape Ann Community Cinemas and their 60 films in 33 days project at The Gloucester Stage Company 267 East Main Street (a couple doors down from Last Stop Variety on the way down to Rocky Neck)?

I’ll be featuring their daily lineup of film schedules each day throughout their run.

Thanks go to Robert Newton who brought it to my attention.

This from the Mass Bay Film Project and Festival Website-

“First and foremost, we are film fans, and we like to get people excited about watching films. Not necessarily in the “I can crank my new home theater system can so loud that it will make you have to go to the bathroom” kind of way, but in ways that matter. We bring independently produced films to local audiences (and theatre owners) who might not otherwise discover them, and whenever we can, we’ll bring the folks who made the films, too. And the more people we can excite enough about the filmmaking process to want to pick up a camera and tell a story of their own, the better.

Robert Newton, one of the founders of The MassBay Film Project & Festivals, is a working film critic for a number of websites, newspapers and magazines, including and The Christian Science Monitor. He is an award-winning writer and novelty recording artist, whose debut album, “Monkey Bismuth,” was a favorite on “The Dr. Demento Show” (see link at left) and had a song featured in the indie comedy, Rutland U.S.A. Click on “Contact Us” at left to reach him regarding film-related business, to talk about something you saw that you really liked, or if you have any questions about anything we do”