Greenheads Brings In $640 For The Russo Fund

Last nights presentation of Greenheads at Cape Ann Community Cinema brought in an additional $640 for the Children of Matteo Russo Fund.  It was through the generosity of Robert Newton and Gordon Baird  who presented the movie with the purpose of donating to this great cause and the people that turned out to support it.

Movie – “Greenheads”

Wed., Feb. 18 @ 7:15pm
Cape Ann Community Cinema
267 East Main Street
East Gloucester

Sometime painter Sam Holdsworth painted a series of 38 oil panels which were an imaginative, sideways tribute to that local summertime menace, the Tabanus americanus — or Greenhead horse fly. This short film, produced and narrated by Holdsworth’s Musician Magazine co-founder, Gordon Baird, is a simultaneously amusing and haunting short film, portraying the carnivorous creatures as human-like and alien at the same time.

Mr. Baird will be on hand to present the film and conduct a Q&A after the show, which is presented at the special discount price of $5.00, proceeds from which will benefit the Matteo Russo Fund. A selection of Gloucester-related short subjects will precede the film.