Packed House For GGAP II

We had a lot of fun and raised money for a great cause.   People turned out and I’m proud to say that GGAP II was the first sell-out at Cape Ann Community Cinema.  We raised $2217. which will be deposited by the end of the week to The MR Children fund.  There are still 12 t shirts left which can be purchased at The Dress Code downtown and 100% of that money will be added into the total when they are sold.  Also Rob Newton will be donating a portion of the proceeds from a show this week (details to follow) into the pot.

DSC_5259, originally uploaded by sharon_lowe88.

Thanks to Sharon for taking the pictures at the show as I was too busy to be able to get any footage.

Gloucester Guerilla Art Project II Sneak Peak Video

Here is a sneak peak at the test run of G-GAP II at Cape Ann Community Cinema Wednesday Night Jan 28

click the picture to view the video

Great Time and Thank Yous

Last Night’s First Ever Gloucester Guerilla Art Project was a fantastic event.  There were many faces of the Gloucester Blogging community represented along with friends of GMG and other nortable folks.

I’d like to thank Robert Newton who provided the venue Cape Ann Community Cinema (and I think I forgot to thank publicly last night).  I’d also like to thank all the presenters- Jay Albert from Cape Ann Images, Mark Teiwes who shoots for the Beacon and hosts some of his work at, Chad Carlberg and Emile Doucette along with the rest of the team from . Also thanks go out to Kat Valentine from Valentine Design who put Jay Albert’s slide show together and also was of great technical assistance.  If you haven’t already checked out their sites I highly suggest you do.

I’m looking forward to collaborating with these guys in the future to bring even more fun community media presentations to you fine folks.

It was nice to see fellow bloggers Jon Conant, John Hintlian, Miz Lia and Steve B.  Thanks for the support guys.  Also thanks go out to one of my best buddies “The Rabbit”  who took over GMG photo duties so I could meet folks without the encumbrances of the camera(pics coming later) or you could check out Miz Lia’s Blog for a few to hold you over til the Rabbit gets his ass out of bed today.

Thanks also go to Enrico Pallazzo and his lovely wife Kim for showing the love last night along with Damon and Ann Malloy of Neptune’s Harvest Fame (who I got to meet officially last night), Big Daddy Phil Doucette, Kenny and Paula Ryan, Dad’s cousin Gail Guittar, Jay’s family, Sharon Lowe, the fans of GMG, and the other people that I’m suddenly forgetting but showed up including the lovely lady that told me earlier in the week down the dock that she was going to show up and she did with her friend but her name escapes me.

Thanks to anyone else that came but I’m forgetting or didn’t get to meet.

Thanks, Thanks, Thanks!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I promise we will continue to do these and add more contibutors in the future.  I’d like to have John Hintlian, Sharon Lowe and Steve B participate in the next one (start putting your stuff together).

Ahhhhhhhh, feels good!

Guerilla Art Project Show At CACC



Come celebrate Gloucester in a unique way with a collection of photos, videos and films. To open the show, 100 select images from the Robert A. Chadbourne Collection of antique Gloucester post cards, set to music. Then, Joey Ciaramitaro of will present some of his walkthrough videos of The Paint Factory, as well as the amusing “The Bobby Bobskill Chronicles.” Mark Teiwes’ “At The Brink: Faces Of The Working Waterfront” slide show is set to Vincent Ferrini’s poem, “At The Brink.” Emile Doucette and Chad Carlberg from The Bait & Tackle Ad Company will bring a host of material, from the collection of beauty shots set to music by local artists in the slide show “Summertime In Cape Ann” to Carlberg’s recently completed supernatural short film, “Daughter Of Dogtown.”

Please join us for this unique evening, the $5.00 cover for which benefits
The Cape Ann Community Cinema.
