“Karen” by Deb Clarke

From:  Deb Clarke


This is Karen, the completed work documented in my earlier ‘wip’  in the series “Faces I Remember”.  It is finished.  During the process that brought the work to this point I was continually critiquing the work.  I kept trying to get the eyes above the one third, but my inclination was to keep cutting the ‘shape’ down.  This morning I finally decided to find the center of my canvas.  Wouldn’t you know it?  French painter Pierre Bonnard’s words critiqued the work, he said:  “There should be nothing in the center of a painting.”  Then portrait artist Helen Van Wyck words critiqued the work:  “In a portrait the eyes should be around the one third point.”  then I said:  The Hell you say!  I’m still in training!  This is Karen and this is the way I do it.  I broke the rules, yet it works.  why?  because it is didactic and self referential. so, there.

ps:  this is drawn from memory of a friend from Banana’s.



For Purchasing Info go to:  http://www.debbieclarke.blogspot.com