Cooking Fish – Cooking Lobsters the Right Way

This From Orca Bay Seafoods-


Perfectly cooked fish is moist and has a delicate flavor – overcooking is the most prevalent cooking error. Fish is done when the flesh has just begun to turn from translucent to opaque and is firm but still moist. It should flake easily when tested with a fork.

The 10-Minute Rule or Canadian Cooking Method is one way to cook fish by conventional methods including grilling, broiling, poaching, steaming, sautéing, microwaving, en papillotte, planking, and baking (at 400F to 450F). Here is how to use the 10 Minute Rule:

click here for the rest

Cooking Lobsters-

I poked around about ten different online recipe’s for a good How-To cook lobster guide before I found one that wouldn’t have you completely overcook your lobsters.  Wouldn’t you know it that the author of the one that made the most sense came from- get this, California, LOL!  They must not be speaking with these Californians who get my all time worst marks for lobster recipes-

What Is Wrong With People???? Another Lobster Roll Disaster From Some Broads In California

Unlike the lobster roll debacle of all debacles which occurred on Eat Boutique!  These Californian’s got it right on Simply Recipes

How to Boil and Eat Lobster


Years ago, my first job out of college was in Boston; I lived in the North End, above D’Amore’s Italian restaurant on Salem Street, right across from a little fish market. This was a magical time, to be in one’s early 20s, exploring the back streets of Boston, feasting on the sights, sounds, and smells, alone or with friends. I was amazed that I could buy fresh lobster across the street from where I lived, at the fish market, for $4.99 a pound, still a luxury at that time, but within reach. (This summer, 27 years later, I bought lobster for $5.99 a pound, a bargain for this Californian!) That summer as often as I could I rounded up friends to enjoy a lobster feast. I still have the big aluminum pot I used.

We don’t have American lobsters out here in California. (Well we do, but they’re shipped in from New England, and frankly they just aren’t as good as lobsters bought near the sea shore on the East Coast.) So whenever I’m in New England in the summer (according to my local friends, summer is the best time for lobsters, they’re more plentiful and therefore less expensive) I make a point to have some.

Click here for the correct way to cook lobsters from Simply Recipes complete with proper cooking times and an excellent visual section of the cleaning process.

Welcome To My Kitchen Studio

“Welcome to My Kitchen Studio”

 Will be an on going Art series by Debbie Clarke.

This is a self portrait from the computer screens point of view.  yup, coffee in one hand, finger on the mouse, and everything hasn’t quite settled into place.

Good Mornin' by Deb Clarke

Goodmornin’, a drawing

Aluminum leaf, sharpie marker, litho crayon on aluminum flashing 5×5″

Copyright debbie clarke
gloucester ma


GMG Subscriptions Close In On 1000 Active Subscribers

GoodMorningGloucester is approaching 1000 active subscribers.  When you subscribe, at around 8 or 9 o’clock at night you get an email which aggregates all the hourly posts into one email.

This morning when I woke up we had 989 subscribers.  You can see the screen shot of my subscriber management page below-

If you would like to subscribe you can click this link-

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It’s that simple.  Hell even my technologically challenged mother could figure it out (sorry mom)  🙂

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