Annisquam Village Church Reopens Sanctuary & Begins Hybrid Worship June 6th

Following guidance from the CDC and the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, the Annisquam Village Church will be reopening for worship beginning Sunday, June 6, 2021 at 10 a.m. for all vaccinated people.  The church will begin by limiting capacity to 100 people. Protocols will continue to be assessed, as needed. Worship services can also be accessed via Zoom.  For details see 

The church pastor, Rev. Sue Koehler-Arsenault, states, “We have seen incredible growth in the number of people attending our services since the pandemic began.  Being able to offer our worship services and other programs on Zoom has enabled us to connect with people not only on Cape Ann, but across the country. Hybrid worship will allow us to continue to be connected to members who are in nursing homes, hospitals, and do not live on Cape Ann.”

Koehler-Arsenault notes that the church’s new audio-visual system was made possible by a gift from Kari Gale in honor of her husband, Jud, who died in November 2020. “Jud loved the Zoom services. They meant so much to him, especially in his last months of life. This gift will enable others to benefit as he did from the Sunday worship services,” notes Gale.

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