As you may recall from Sunday’s post, our sweet Piping Plover pair arrived on March 22nd. This is three days earlier than last year. The two are concentrating their courtship in exactly the same area they have been courting, nesting, and raising their chicks for the previous four years (with the exception of the parking lot nest). Today PapaPl made a serious nest scrape about five feet away from last year’s nest.

Each year, as they become better at migrating and better parents, they are arriving earlier, and earlier, and are wasting no time in getting down to the business of reproducing. Piping Plovers famously show great fidelity to their nesting sites and our PiPls are no exception.

Piping Plover nest scrape today at 8:30am

You can see in the photos, the male is in the nest scraping, and the sand is flying in the middle photo as he digs out the nest.

We are very much hoping the symbolic Piping Plover fencing can be installed as quickly as possible. Yesterday, protective dune fencing was installed the length of Good Harbor Beach. What was installed yesterday only needs to be widened in a relatively small area  to accommodate the Piping Plover’s nest scrape.

With all the terrible consequences of Covid-19 taking place all around us, some people may think it not important during the pandemic to help the Good Harbor Beach Piping Plovers. I don’t think I am in the minority when I write nothing could be further from the truth. It’s critical to post the threatened/endangered signs and symbolic fencing and let the community know the birds are here. Helping endangered and threatened species is a meaningful way for us all to better understand our natural environment. The fact that the PiPls successfully fledged three chicks last summer gives us hope for a brighter future for all living creatures on our Planet.

Pops Plover getting down to business this morning!

Great Opportunity for Fresh Haddock from Fisherman’s Wharf

From Fisherman’s Wharf Gloucester Facebook pagecomes news of a great opportunity to safely pick up some fresh haddock tomorrow Saturday March 28:

**Fresh Haddock Drive-Thru “Pop-Up” Event**

Due to the current events and overload of inquires Fisherman’s Wharf Gloucester wants to do its part by providing our community the ability to eat fresh local seafood.

Come down and visit us at
37 Rogers Street, Gloucester, MA
Saturday March 28th
11:00 AM – 3:00 PM

Haddock Fillets Vacuum sealed in 2 lb. Bags
$7.50 / lb. – $15.00 / Bag

Cash Only
Please try and bring exact change to cut down on the transfer of money

This will be set up as a “drive-thru” style pick up only. No need to get out of your car. Please follow the signs and stay inside your vehicle.

**For those of you who either can’t leave your home or don’t feel comfortable leaving we will be launching our Home Delivery service early next week. Follow us on Facebook for updates.

March 27th Covid-19 Update From Mayor Sefatia

Hi, this is Mayor Sefatia Romeo Theken.  I would like to provide you with some updates as we all work to slow community transmission of COVID-19 and prepare for further spread of the virus.  As of this morning, there were 14 confirmed cases of the virus in Gloucester.  

The Gloucester Health Department is actively working towards identifying and monitoring those individuals who have tested positive for COVID-19 as well as anyone with whom they have recently come into contact.  

The DPH reports that symptoms of COVID-19 include fever, cough, shortness of breath and pneumonia in severe cases.  If you display symptoms or suspect that you may have come into contact with a person who may be infected, please contact your primary care provider immediately.

Gloucester is well prepared for this emergency situation.  I’m in constant discussions with state and federal officials to ensure Gloucester concerns are addressed and met.  Our Health Department is working around the clock and are training additional nurses and health care workers to assist with contact tracing and case monitoring.  Public safety officials are well equipped with the necessary personal protective equipment to ensure everyone’s safety and additional staff are ready to handle emergency calls.  

As further testing has become available and community transmission spreads we expect the number of confirmed cases to rise over time.  Everyone should adhere to the DPH’s “stay at home” advisory and as much as possible restrict all social interactions to essential activities, such as getting food, medicine and gas.  

Being outdoors is good.  So take a minute and get outside.  Let the sun shine on your face.  Go for a walk or sit on your porch.  But please keep a safe distance from anyone else.   Your mental and physical health are important during this time.  

Older adults and people of any age who have serious underlying medical conditions are at a much higher risk for severe illness from COVID-19.  Please be careful, take extra precautions and isolate as much as possible.  

All municipal buildings remain closed to the public until at least Monday, April 6.  Anyone wishing to do City business is encouraged to do so online or by calling or emailing any city office.  If you have any questions please call 978-281-9700.  

Earlier this week Governor Baker extended school closures until Monday, May 4.   “Grab and go” bagged lunch and breakfast will remain available for ALL students who are in need of a meal.  Curbside pick-up is available Monday through Friday 11 a.m. – 12 p.m. at Veterans Memorial and Beeman Elementary Schools.  

Reusable shopping bags have been banned for use at stores during the COVID-19 outbreak and local bans on single-use plastic bags have been suspended.   

All City playgrounds remain closed until further notice.  Please do not engage in sports or activities that require physical or shared contact.  

To our seniors, a reminder that grocery stores in Gloucester have dedicated “senior shopping hours.”  Also, SeniorCare is continuing to provide meal delivery and home care services.  
For additional information on these SeniorCare services call 978-281-1750.

The Open Door is available to help bridge the grocery gap for families.  
For information regarding their Food Pantry and Community Meal services please call 978-283-6776.  

Our Community Development Department is helping Gloucester businesses by sharing information and answering questions on state and federal opportunities available.  If you are a Gloucester business and would like additional information please check our website or call 978-325-5236.

Our community is strong, resilient and united.  We ALL have a responsibility to do our part to keep each other and our City safe.  Social distancing is a very hard concept but it continues to be the most important precaution against COVID-19.  We cannot stress enough how important it is to avoid gatherings and keep 6 feet between you and others at all times.  

Please take a minute and check in on your family, friends, and neighbors.  We’re all in this together and we need each other now more than ever.    

My sincere thanks and appreciation to all the men and women working on the front lines during this public health emergency, all of the wonderful volunteers, and everyone working in our grocery stores and pharmacies.  Thanks to all of you for joining together to fight the spread of COVID-19.  

We will continue to provide regular updates on the City website, social media, and through the Smart 911 emergency notification system as the situation evolves. 

Stay informed and know the facts.  For more information on COVID-19
• Text “COVIDMA”, that’s C-O-V-I-D-M-A to 888-777 to receive text message alerts from the Commonwealth.
• Call 2-1-1 from any landline or cellphone
• Visit the City’s website http://www.gloucester-ma.gov
• The state’s website http://www.mass.gov
• Or CDC website http://www.cdc.gov.

Thank you and be well.

Signs of the times

MBTA crew disinfecting train station stop, Gloucester, Mass.

MBTA_ disinfecting train station stop Gloucester MA_20200327_covid-19 signs of the times_photograph ©c ryan


George’s Coffee Shop of Gloucester corner of Washington and Centennial sign-  Take Out Available (978)281-1910



Wolf Hill sign – Closed Stay Healthy & Safe!

Wolf Hill_covid 19 sign_ closed Stay Healthy & Safe_ Gloucester Mass_ 20200327_©c ryan

(author’s note: Signs of the times updated as I add signs to the original 3/25/2020 post, most recent at top. Gloucester, Mass.) Continue reading “Signs of the times”

@FishermenGHS: GHS Phys Ed Teacher Mrs. Aiello-Goncalves is offering a virtual yoga class to any GHS students at 11am today via the Zoom app.

GHS Phys Ed Teacher Mrs. Aiello-Goncalves is offering a virtual yoga class to any GHS students at 11am today via the Zoom app.

Drop her a quick email for the meeting ID number. raiello-goncalves@gloucesterschools.com

Update from Cake Ann

Update from Cake Ann emailed March 25.

Screenshot_2020-03-26 Update from Cake Ann about COVID-19 - pdalpiaz19 gmail com - Gmail

We’ve made some changes due to COVID-19
Dear Cake Ann community,

We are navigating through uncharted waters and hope that in some small way we can help our community at this time. I just wanted to update you how we changed our business due to COVID-19:
• Continued compliance and best practices for cleaning and sanitizing. 
• Our hours of operation are Tuesday through Saturday 8-4, Sunday 8-2 until further notice.
• We offer free delivery in Rockport and Gloucester, and  online orders that allow us to serve and support our customers. The online site is being worked on to make it look better – please bear with me – I am my own tech support. 
If you’re looking for more ways to protect yourself and your loved ones, check out the CDC website.
Thank you so much for sticking with us. We look forward to supporting each other during these challenging times.

Ryan & Wood Hand Sanitizer

We are seeing all kinds of examples of individuals and businesses stepping up the the challenge COVID-19 has presented.  Friends and neighbors are creating and sharing silly or heartwarming videos, solutions, and messages online. Safely delivering foods and services using new methods as demonstrated by our local restaurants and businesses is another example. Even our boss Joey is finding ways to podcast safely.  One fine example of this is Bob Ryan at Ryan & Wood who switched the distillery as needed to produce much needed hand sanitizer! I went up there yesterday to pick up this bottle (which I am predicting someday will go for high prices in antique stores as a sign of the times) and business was brisk.  People were patiently waiting their turn at 15 Great Republic Drive to pick up 1 liter bottles for $30 each.  I expect an entire liter to last through this self isolation. I sincerely appreciate their efforts to help the community.   The inventiveness demonstrated by all is heartwarming and soul-lifting. As Bob says “We’re all in the same dory.” More info here from the Gloucester Daily Times.

Please feel free to share your own examples of stepping up to the challenge.