GloucesterCast 227 With The Cast, Writer and Director Of Bank Job, Heidi Dallin, Karen Pischke, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 6/4/17

GloucesterCast 227 With The Cast, Writer and Director Of Bank Job, Heidi Dallin, Karen Pischke, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 6/4/17

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Topics Include:

Chamber Announces Cape Ann Small Business Persons of the Year  Greg Bover Our Guy!  Reception for Greg Wednesday June 7th 5-7 PM at The Studio Restaurant
Gloucester Love Fest Monday Monday June 5th At the Gloucester Writer’s Center For More Info
Cape Ann Eats Roundup-
Congratulations To Dennis and Doug Silva At The Topside Grill Who Won The Liquor License
The Studio and Rudder Have Been Running Half Off Specials Nearly Every Day
Wicked Tuna Season Finale Tonight June 4th at 9PM On Nat Geo

3 thoughts on “GloucesterCast 227 With The Cast, Writer and Director Of Bank Job, Heidi Dallin, Karen Pischke, Kim Smith and Joey Ciaramitaro Taped 6/4/17

  1. Messages are vital Joey Cassette player I loved it! When I was young we were out all day came home to eat PBJ or what mom cooked warmed up then back out again – thing the only time the rascals were scared was if it was a school day and you played hooky truant officers then if caught – things have changed today some places it is needed other places it is not as their are a lot of creeps running about!!!

    The actors and you have a very lively podcast I would say…On a serious note too: I really Like the message of the Children Karen Pischke you want the truth many times that’s where you find it children, without any political correctness and that’s a tradition:-) Dave

    Quoted here also: “Native Americans have a very high regard for children,” he says. “In the Lakota language, the word for child means ‘standing sacred.” – Multiple sources various tribes traditions and life lessons passed on see first people voices web site!”

    Jackie DeShannon – Put A Little Love In Your Heart (1969)

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I LOVE this song Dave. It’s one that has been running through my brain since childhood. I was taught to try to always come from a ‘heart space,’ to try to respond with loving kindness in all interactions. What a world this would be if everyone simply followed the ‘Golden Rule.’

    Thanks for sharing the info about the Lakota and first voices web site! I checked it out and signed up! I have a great interest in Native American and indigenous cultures. The name of my business (Dreamtime Wellness™) stems from a solo journey and my experience at Ayers Rock, sacred to the Aboriginals. Thanks for following the blog and for your feedback Dave!


  3. Thank You Karen! I know I post too much but it’s out of respect to the contributors a thank you for sharing your time and wisdom! Stay you and there are so many great folks world-wide! All this hate today is bit too much! The golden rule works most times! Yes music was where I turn too when I want to relax all the laughter in this podcast made Monday so much better! Yes – I have special place for Native culture and lived in the nation forest when moved westward lot’s of lessons for this then 13-14 year old later part of 1968-1969.

    One person does and can make a difference! I also like the messages and wisdom, traditions carry them within always! Thank you for your response looks like we may get some much needed rain our way drought conditions in some areas! 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂

    Stay You! 🙂 Dave

    Liked by 1 person

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