Heaven over Essex Marsh

Heaven Over Essex Marsh
Heaven Over Essex Marsh

This is a spot I’ve visited a number of times, just waiting for the perfect view to photograph.  One morning I really didn’t want to get out of bed at 4am but I knew a storm had come through the night before and the cloud cover might be interesting so I dragged my butt over to Essex and wasn’t disappointed!  Of course I got there and the sun hadn’t started to rise yet…it was just cloudy and grey, but it’s amazing how in a span of 15 minutes a scene like this can unfold before your eyes.   This is one of my favorite photos of last year and a 16 x 20 canvas print is one of the prints available at the Art at the Schoolhouse this weekend so stop by!  Thanks to James and Anna at Cape Ann Giclee for their expert printing of this canvas!

21 thoughts on “Heaven over Essex Marsh

  1. Wow there are no words, just stunning!! I have a Joan Frank painting from this vantage point which is one of my most treasured belongings, but it was of a tranquil day with a bright blue/purpleish sky and water. I just might have to buy a companion piece for it!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Awesome. You are truly dedicated and gifted. You captured the serene and the turbulent in one frame. Amazing!! Getting out of bed early always pays off!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The cottage in the picture used to be the home of Lydia and Chester Burnham. Chester was a large man with a “barrel” frame. Lydia was petite and demur if not some what “round” herself. Chester sang in the church choir, a deep deep baritone, at the West Gloucester Trinitarian Congregational Church further down the road in West Gloucester. I knew them because my childhood friend, Arthur B, kept his boat in the marsh behind the cottage. A free spot for your boat is always a good thing. Lydia and Chester were his aunt and uncle. I believe Lydia and Arthur’s mother were of the Oak family of Essex. Both families go back to the early days of shipbuilding in Essex.
    No idea who owns it nowadays

    Just a little bit of history to go with the cottage.

    Liked by 3 people

  4. I am very happy you got up at o-dark-thirty – never know what those riders on the storm will bring after it’s over with! What a shot and great history too! 🙂 Dave & Kim 🙂

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  5. This photo is stunning. I have to admit, when I first looked at it I thought, its too bad the tide wasn’t higher; then I looked again and saw the incredible depth and texture the bit of mudflat gave to the bottom half of the photo and had to say you experienced one of those unique and unrepeatable miracles of God, above and below. No one has ever, nor will anyone ever see that exact scene. Thank God you were able to capture it and share it, so we could all experience it.

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